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In an effort to avoid another undead outbreak, the US Government creates the Broken Arrow program, establishing several facilities across the country. The Groom Lake Program is folded into Broken Arrow.

AUGUST 11T​ H​, 1973 Broken Arrow recovers a shard of Element 115 from Division 9.

SEPTEMBER 29T​ H​, 1979 Russman begins work at Broken Arrow. Over the course of his employment, his extensive exposure to Element 115 leads to significant memory loss.

APRIL 20T​ H​, 1983 Broken Arrow begins live animal experiments with the shard, creating Bios.

JUNE 24T​ H​, 1986 A containment breach involving the Bios occurs at one of the Broken Arrow facilities. Russman is one of the few to escape alive. The facility is shut down and abandoned. Its projects are transferred to other locations.

JUNE 24T​ H​, 1996 Victis arrives at the abandoned Broken Arrow facility. Still being pursued by undead Richtofen, they recover the Element 115 Shard and depart through another rift.

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