Wake Him Up

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Your POV
Three months later

I never leave Laurence's side, Katelyn never leaves mine, Garroth never leaves Laurence's side either, and Zane is bringing Kate and Gar their food, while Katelyn feeds me. The baby kicks, I still have morning sickness, my breast are huge, I have a small baby bump, and Laurence is still out cold. Everyone believes he got put in a coma somehow, no one knows what I did, none of us know when he'll wake up, but all I know is I need him, and I also know why he got knocked out.

He was knocked out by M, she hit him hard enough to almost kill him, he should still have his memory since he's practically dead, and i have to somehow get everyone out of here when he wakes up before he eats him all.

I watched as he lay on the bed, I haven't slept in three months, I don't need it, and I saw as Laurence's hand twitched. "Everyone out!" I commanded.

"What?" Katelyn and Garroth asked.

"Leave! Now!"

"Alex, I think you're just hungry." Katelyn said.

"Please, go." I begged, they gave up, and left. I watched Laurence's eyelids, they lay lifeless and unmoving, then they sprung open, Laurence went to jump up for food, but I lazily held him down, and I was even weak from lack of sleep. "Laurence, look at me." I held his face in my hands, forced him to stare into my eyes, and he calmed down.

"A-Alex?" he asked, I nodded. "Y-You've changed." he was right, my hair faded back to blonde, my eyes finally went back to their golden-brown color, and my make-up permanently got darker.



"Yeah, I have." I said.

"How long have I been out?" Laurence asked.

"T-Th-Three months." Tears welled up in my eyes again, I got off Laurence, he stood up, and wrapped me in the hug.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Better now that you're here."

"H-How's the baby?"

"Okay, feisty, but okay."

"Just like his mom." Laurence went to kiss my neck, but stopped.

"Laurence?" I asked.

"H-Help." I spun around, Laurence's eyes are black, and I knew what he needed. I flipped my hair to one side, Laurence started to back away from me, I walked closer to him until he hit a wall, and I cocked my head.

"Drink." I ordered.

"I don't know." he said.

"You managed to convince me, now I'm going to convince you. Drink from my neck before I tear your head from your own neck." Laurence looked shocked, I nodded, cocked my head again, Laurence held my shoulders, then buried his fangs in my neck, and I managed to stay relaxed. He got off, he looked at me, I wiped the blood from his mouth, and he cocked his own neck.

"Your turn." I laughed, then I drank from him.

After we were done I grabbed his hand, intertwined our fingers, and walked downstairs. Three gasps were heard, Garroth ran to hug Laurence, but I pushed him back, and shook my head. "I wouldn't. I believe its time I explain what happened."

"What do you mean?" Katelyn asked, getting up, but I pushed her back down.

"Laurence was knocked over the head with something strong enough to kill him, he was moments away from death, and I did what anyone like me, Ally, and Seth would do. I changed him."

"WHAT!?" Garroth freaked out, he came at me, but Laurence pushed him away, which sent him flying onto the couch, and I continued,

"If I didn't he would have died. Do you expect me just to let him die?" Garroth shook his head. "Laurence is here and awake three months later. Just be happy. Oh, and try not to get to close for a bit, maybe for the next three hours."

"Why?" Zane asked.

"He will probably eat you." I said, Zane flinched, and Laurence headed upstairs with me close behind.

"I want to do something that you probably miss." Laurence said, he came over to me, he gently pressed his lips on mine, I pushed back a little bit harder, and he pulled away. "I don't want to hurt you, newborns are strong, remember?"

"I remember, but I don't care. I'm already dead." I pressed my lips on his, he pressed back, and we kissed for three hours straight with no air in between.

Do you like?
Do you sorta like?
How did I do?
This is my first long vampire comeback so...... Yeah.


Trust earned, (LaurenceXReader) [Book two of, Trust Just Ain't my thing]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu