6: He Was There

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He was there
staring at his phone
waiting for a reply, in pain
left his life for a short little while.

He was there
standing across the room
can't talk straight, laugh straight
and think straight so he went back his life to face it.

He was there
crying, for he just saw something he didn't expect.
He saw a problem, over some problems,and all over the problems- he just caught up to.
So he got his lover, waving goodbye
Letting go and getting their universe un-conspire.

He was there
holding a knife, thinking of ending his life.
He's scared.
He gave life another chance
so he hoped that his lover will come back.
He failed, although he did all that he can-
except to beg his lover not-to-go.

He was there,
sleeping in tears still hoping for a chance.
The moment he woke up, again he faced another problem.
He don't trust any except for one.

He was there
reading, realized that he became so greedy.
For making his lover cry,
and he hates himself
So he finally came into an idea of
making his lover hate him so it would be so much easy for her to move.

He was there
alone, observing everyone's eye.
Getting his life a whole life better
even if it's hard.
Letting go of the things who don't want him.
Living with a large shadow eating his light.
Until the moon came with the cold dark night.

He was there.

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