Ep. 1 The Outcast Of Zara

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Their a legend that been told to me long ago before the old church and orphanage was burnt down it said that there was once a land that no mortal could reach in this land two gods where born one of light and the other of darkness however over the years as the two grow the mortal worshiped the goddess of light and shun the god of darkness this only made god angry wanting to end the human he pleaded with his sister however she didn't agree and after referring to the other god that called the realm home it was decided the mortal should continue living angered he lash out at her as the battle between the two gods insured the fight eventually ended up on earth and seeing the damage done the four gods of the elements came down to earth to find the gods and put a stop the fight however during their battle to the god of darkness cast a spell cursing everyone there preventing them from return however due to the law since the gods of light and darkness couldn't return nor die the realm of gods faded from existence as for the gods they vanish but some people still believe they are still out their and one day they will return to save the world from the god of darkness.

I was Born in a world that seem like nothing but utter darkness only to understand the world and it's people though sounds and the sense of touch made me different the town folk were nothing but cruel growing up alone on the street I learn I got use to this and slow grow to listen carefully to the words that hit my ears listing for any sign of trouble although I didn't have my sight I slowly learn to listen to things around including the vibrations that living things gave off this has been my life since I was left here 17 years ago using my ability to sense vibrations I started hunting the animal in the forest outside of Zara selling half what I caught for money many time the shop keepers try to swindle me and pay me less then asking price but the slight sound of a coin being place in their pocket or a coin scraping another when picked up indicated to me what they were trying to due I can always tell who live here since everyone who live in the village always sound like they had something stuck in their throat all the time life is harsh and unforgiving especially for those of us who were born differently.

For most of my life, I found you can't give out trust to anyone the only one you can trust is yourself promise will only be broken and only the action of a person can truly tell you if someone can be trusted in my world I truly believe I was stuck in a cage that was this city as everyone waited for me kick the bucket, after all, someone like me is weak useless and pathetic to those around me at least this is what I thought until I met The Sirius Pirates That day was cold, and the smell of sulfur lingered in the air I had just made a kill and was on my way to sell the deer meat and its skin when ran into what felt like a wall. "Hey, watch where you're going freak!" "Uh, boss looks like the freak got deer blood on you." "What! Oh, you're going to pay. As I heard the man's words, I spent no time waiting around as I stood up, I ran off only to be grabbed by my arm and yank back before I felt the struggle to pull my hands in front of me trying to wrap what felt like a rope around my wrist. Once they succeeded, I quickly headed butted the man before taking off unsure where I was headed, I just knew I needed to escape but deep down I knew where exactly I was heading the one place in town, I avoid the pier.

June 14, 1710

It was a dark and cloudy day, and the port City of Zara was bustling like crazy with the dirt road winding through the city like a slithering snake the building warn down shade of red breaks made up the walls of the buildings I hated coming here the place was so gloomy along with the lingering smell of horse poo that gotten mix into the dirt over the years made me sick I wasn't the only one who felt this way however we had no choice but to stop by Zara to refill our supplies for our journey to skull Island but with the coming storm we all wanted to hurry up and leave before the storm rolled in and force us to stay the night after all for those like us who live the life of a pirate know the longer you docked the most likely you could be discovered. "Well Thomas, well they do that why don't we take a look around," Russell said making me jump at his sudden appearance next to me hitting me on the back. "Hey! Hey! Wait up!" "Wow this port Doesn't really have much dose it." "What you mean Russel?" "Well not many weapon dealers around here." He said before he walked into someone before he fell to the ground. "Oh, my am so Sorry I.." "Watch where your..." He stopped as he stared at the girl in front of him in the rip up green and brown clothes reminding him of when he was younger. "Oh, are you alright MS.?" Thomas asked as he helped the girl up before noticing her eyes were close and her hands bound in front of her. Before he could ask Russel cut him off. "Thomas Let's go before we have to head back." "Right coming bye Ms." "Bye." She said socked.

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