Ep. 3 A Match Of Skill

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3 weeks, later as I walk out of my room and onto the deck, I felt the cool air hit me as I made my way up to where I heard the sound of swords clashing before walking up to where Christopher was, I ask him. "Who Sparing?" "Russell teaching Thomas how to sword fight want me to describe it to you?" "Sure. "ok right now Thomas has his back to the railing now  Russell stop and is explaining something to Thomas." As I carefully listen to them Russell's movement was aggressive and quick however quite a noise since I could hear him from the balcony of the ship and Thomas being aggressive as well but hesitant and I could barely hear his footsteps listening to their training session as their sword cling as they clash causing me to recall a memory of a time during my childhood came.


it took place 10 years ago before the church burn down. "Hey, can I play?" "What you want to play with us when you can't don't make me laugh." "Yeah, go away freak get out of here!" Sophie said before throwing a stone at me and it wasn't long before Alex and the other boys joined in. I don't know how long it lasted all I knew is when it stopped my whole body hurt the only thing besides that was the screaming of the kids and the sound of someone getting hit than the next thing, I know someone grabs my arm pulling along. "Hey you, ok? "Yeah, thanks but who are you, and why are you helping me?" "Because what those guys were doing isn't right plus one day I'm going to become a navy captain like my dad. I'm Zane by the way. What your name?" "{Y/N}" after that I met his father a kind man who like his son didn't care I was blind he even found a way to teach me how to use those same skills to show me how to hunt through our training together over the course of that month we became really close friends and one day the two of us met up that morning and he gave this snake bracelet that at the time wrap around my entire arm with the snakehead resting on the back of my hand

as I put it on Zane asked if I like it as I told him I did he told me to fling my arm to the side with my hand balled up as I did a bland shot out of the mouth of the snake. "Wow, this is so cool thank Zane," I said as I hugged him as we pulled apart, he told me how it belonged to his mother and how the golden bracelet came in pairs as he lifted the sleeve of his shirt to show the matching one. After a few hours, we said goodbye and parted ways however knowing what I would be going home to I walked through town when I pass by Zane's house I saw his dad calling out for him realizing he never made it home I ran back the way he would of come and ended up tripping on his bracelet once I realized what it was I knew what had happened and there was only one place someone could take someone to hide them. The old barn house.

Reaching the old burn house I use the ladder to climb up to the second floor where I could hear Alex monk and radical Zane for being friends with me as I snuck down to the first floor I heard Zane mention he rather be friends with me than bullies who pick on someone just because they were born different sensing their movement through the vibration from the wood floor I pull my blade out as one of the boys walked by me I jump into action grabbing him placing my blade at his neck grabbing the others attention. "Release Zane Now!" or else." "Shit man freak crazy let's get out of here no way that freak can't do anything. At that moment I kicked the kid in front of me sending him flying into Alex before running over to Zane and untying him as Alex got up we made our way up the stairs leading back to the second floor as Alex climb up after we made it to the window climbing out with Alix still behind us we ran back to his house as Alex caught up grabbing my leg causing me to fall face-first into the dirt road as I head Zane yell out for me Zane father showed up pulling the boy off of me as Zane explains things I heard the people walk out of their homes due to the commotion and Alex mother walked out as Alex played the victim both Zane and Alex's father got into it.

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