You and me

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None of my reasons are concrete enough to make you stay in my arms, for another night.
You're an instant reminder of the times when we were indefinable, out of time, out of breath.
Living in a world we built up together, turning the moon into sun, with endless cups of coffee, some nonsense discussions and poetries that made no sense at all.
Today, when I glanced back at the time - with a nostalgic heart and a pencil in my hand, - I heard your laughter, ringing through my ear and piercing up my soul, I chose to let you free.
To let you go.
Like a free bird in the endless sky, I offered you freedom and kissed your lips for the very last time.
Turning back around to the present, I found that the colours have faded away from my skin , but your fingerprints have not.

The Untold Stories. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang