Tick Tock.

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Midnight silence and an obnoxious clock, walking on its destined path, dancing on its own rhythm and kissing goodbye to each previous second. Perfect.
Talking about time, I just  realised that I've not looked at the clock today.
No, not for even once.
Perhaps, I'm just afraid of the passing moments, I don't know.

It's point twelve'O clock in the morning, when I glance at the brightened screen, my eyes stinging from the unwanted brilliance of my device and my lips throwing out an exaggerated sigh.
Technology, I tell you,
always finds a way to rebirth and be a better version of its own self, interesting, isn't it?
To walk back on the platform and flaunt yourself for the improvements you've made.
However, we, as humans, have no such power to come back again with a superior quality.
There's not a single possibility unless and until you're in a Disney movie, where eventually everything falls back into place, and guess what?
Tadaa, Happy Endings!

But no,
We remain constant,
it's just the situations and surroundings which are temporary.
We remain the same, always.
Maybe, I'll too maintain this constancy through out my life.
A girl who holds a lot of proud for the collection of novels she has, and who hates social events, more than she hates mathematics. Maybe a few years from now, I'll still write down these abstract thoughts, which makes no sense to anyone at all. Even not to myself, at times.
Maybe the continuance of secretly eating chocolates  under the covers and crying my heart out will never change. It'll happen in repetition, again and again.
Maybe, all these words, moments and ticktocks would change into a bundle of photographs, and memories, and nothing else.
And maybe,
just maybe, one day,
I'll get converted into a distant memory, too.

The Untold Stories. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang