[06] Cassey Williams

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The cold evening air enters the small home through the open window, the pane swinging back and forth in the night. The white walls have aged, turning a shade of pale yellow. But the home is that simply: home.

Cassey sits at the dining table, a bowl of mashed potatoes sitting in the middle, waiting to be eaten. Her grandmother sits across from her – her greying hair almost shining under the dim yellow light above the old dining table.

Around her sits her little brothers: the oldest in his second year of middle school, the youngest only one, sitting with a bib around his neck, sitting on a used high chair.

"I'm hungry," the second youngest complains, his arms folded against his chest in frustration and hunger. At times like this, the clock seems to tick slower, a second feeling like a minute, a minute feeling like a day.

The eldest of the four brothers finally speaks up. "She's not coming."

Even her grandmother cannot hide the disappointment in her eyes, though a small smile forms on her lips.

Cassey is first to take a spoonful of the mashed potato, already cold from the waiting. The boys take the next, her grandmother the last.

The room is filled with laughter and joy, contrasting the dimming light bulb and the dark evening.

Not for that silly! Lets hang out :)

Cassey looks back at the text from Amelie. She cannot help but feel suspicion bubbling up, knowing Amelie's intentions may not be to truly be her friend.

Cassey does not have a lot of those – friends.

Maybe they live in the sky, dancing and twinkling against the dark blue canopy above her. Maybe they are the teenage boys whistling at her from dark alleys as she walks down the street to her home. Maybe it is her grandmother who always radiates warmth like a fireplace in the cold winter night.

But whoever it is, it is not Amelie Jones.


Author's Note:

I just finished my exams so I can finally continue writing !! Who's your favorite character so far, at first glance? you're about to get to know them more so keep reading !!!!!!! thanks for the support x

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