Chapter 4

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At first I didn't know where to go, but it was obvious.

I needed to tell Chris's Mom.

I ran to their house.

As I approached the their house Mrs. Folkery was walking to her car.

I screamed "Mrs. Folkery Wait!!"

She turned towards me with a confused face.

"Sandra whats wrong sweetie?" She questioned.

I put the note in her hand.

She opened it. As she read it you could tell her expression changed.

She was scared. Her mouth dropped open as she read the initials C.F.

Her eyes started to role into the back of her and she fainted.

I panicked, and ran to the house to get Mr. Folkery.

As I waited for him to open the door. I heard footsteps again.

I turned around, but who ever was there had disappeared into the daylight.

Laying next to Mrs. Folkery was another note.

I ran over and picked it up.


I thought you would go to my parents. But I was hoping you wouldn't. I guess my hope isn't always strong enough. I need to talk to you. Meet me in the park when the street lights come on. By the old fountain


As I was reading the letter I hadn't realized that Mr. Folkery was kneeling next to his wife crying.

"Sandra what happened to her?!" He said.

"She only fainted she will be fine, just pour some water on her and she will wake up! But i have to go! Byee!" I exclaimed as I started to run down the street.

I went home and by then it was 5 p.m.

I decided I was going to go to the park, so I began to get ready.

Time passed quickly and it was 7:45 and it began to get dark.

I ran down stairs and told my mom I would be home by 9.

She didn't question me she nodded and I left.

I began to walk to the park. It was only 10 minutes away and I needed to think.

What if it was Chris? Or What if its a joke?

But it wasn't.

As walked into the park I saw a dark figure standing by the fountain.

I walked slowly towards the fountain. I hesitated as the figure started towards me.

I forgot all my fears and began to walk at a normal pace.

We were only a few feet away from each other when I questioned "Chris?"

The dark figure stoped directly in front of me and laughed.

"Yea Sandra its Chris" he said.

And I jumped into his arms.

Long chapter. 👍

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