Look at Me

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You like to pretend,
You stick your head in the sand.
You were there, sometimes,
You weren't there most times.

I always wondered what it was,
What did I do so wrong?
Why couldn't I be your first thought,
Why was I forgettable?

I lost my trust in everything you do.
I lost my respect for you, too.
I pretend that I'm doing just fine,
But I am who I am due to your bullshit lines.

I wish I could tell you all the times
I could see straight through all your lies.
I wish I could tell you all the times
I wanted to tell you I was done this time.

I needed you more than I care to admit.
But eighteen years is far too long
To wait for a father to finally see,
His daughter screaming 'Look at Me'!

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