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Praise me now I am here to stay,

I'm in charge and cannot be stopped

I am no longer far away in that tiny cage;

I will not be quieted any more

You cannot lock me in that cell,

I have lost lives from your success

I will turn on you if I even smell a wrong move.

You are the reason I never made my escape

Praise me as no more people can save you

They are afraid of me, they should be

Your want of my fortune that you need:

I have been betrayed by you before, but not like this

You only need to worship me; then you'll see

I am your master, bow to me.

It is too late to rebel or betray me now.

Do you not see what I have gifted you?

Yet if you should mutiny for affection

    You will never be where I am now

And afterwards praise me, do not turn on me.

They will see what happens to those who turn on me.

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