Chapter Sixteen

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Gerard's P.O.V

I felt her pain vibrating through me before her words spoke about death. Listening in, she had sent a warning. My head throbbed, my bones shaking as I leaned up against a street lamp to steady myself.

"Gerard? Gerard, what is it? Is it Dawn?" Frank asked a bewildered and worried glint in his eyes.

I nodded forcing out, "We need to get to the parade."

Frank nodded, and together we stepped through the portal. Nothing had changed since we left to go and look for Bob.

I ran towards the float, not bothering to use the stairs, "Can I have your attention!" I yelled, waving my hands, "The Director is planning an attack and will arrive any minute," the crowd stirred, "Go through the portals! I don't care where, just go!"

Only a handful had made it out before they were stopped.

"Gerard!" Adele screamed, "They're blocking the portals!"

I turned to face Adele, a swarm of dracs behind her, "Adele!" I yelled to her. 

She swung around, running into the nearest building with a couple of dracs following her.

Frank stood behind me as they marched towards us, closing the distance every second, "Gerard, what do we do?"

I gritted my teeth together, "Help the rest of the phantoms get through the portal. and stay alive. Or well...dead."

He looked at me, giving me a quick hug before he turned and ran the opposite direction. I ran to the medic tent. Ray was desperately trying to free Mikey from all the wires in his body. His eyes opened to slits as he choked on smoke, he really was alive, "Get him out and put something over his mouth and nose to protect him from the smoke," I instructed, running towards the exit, knowing my brother was in good hands.

"What about you?" Ray shouted over the roar of the growing flames, panicked.

"Just hurry up and get out of here! Trust me, I'll be fine!" I shouted. He hesitated before obeying as I ran out of the tent.

I helped save as many people as possible. I ran around, pulling people free from fallen objects and guiding them to Frank so they could escape. That was my job, to save people in general. If I died here, at least I did it while doing what I loved. I continued searching.

There was another scream behind me. I must've missed one. I ran towards the sound, a familiar form lay underneath a piece from the float that had been split off from the explosions going on all around us. I looked down at her with wide eyes, recognizing her as a girl named Anna.

 I kneeled next to Anna, pulling her from the float and shielding her body with mine as another explosion went off.

The ashes rained down as a figure sauntered over to us. I could make her out as... the Director. But she was only a hologram; no harm could come to her. What a pity.

"It's all over Gerard. We will find you and your little friends. I will bring you to life and then plunge this very dagger right into your chest. Right into your soon to be beating heart. Aren't you excited? I am, Gerard." she smiled, showing off the dagger as she twirled it in between her fingers.

Flames danced behind her, distant screams filling the air. I stared at her smirking face.

 I smiled, remembering Dawn's last words to me, "How's your face?" Her face fell, "I heard that Dawn was the artist behind the canvas."

"Dawn is dead," she retaliated, knowing all the right spots to hit me in.

I stood and spoke loud and proud, "We'll carry on."

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