Chapter Seventeen

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Bellamy's P.O.V

The wind swirled through my light brown hair, cooling the sweat underneath that had formed on the back of my neck and forehead. I smiled softly as I let it swim through my eyelashes and over my fingertips. Bringing my hand up, I tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear as I looked out at Battery City from my seat on the balcony.

"Hey babe," my mom smiled, gripping the back of my chair.

"Hi mom," I smiled back, letting my eyes take in as much of the city as possible.

"It's starting to get late, you need to come in soon before it gets darker," she informed.

I sighed, dropping my gaze from the city and into my lap where my newest drawing lay. 

My mom followed my gaze, her hands stiffened on the back of my chair as she questioned, "What's that?"

"I-I'm not entirely sure," I answered truthfully, frowning. 

She nodded, brushing her hands off on her pants.

"Come inside, it's getting cold... plus it's almost bedtime. And you know what will happen if the dracs catch you outside after curfew. No exceptions," she teasingly warned. I sighed again and stood up.

"You're right, let's go to bed."

I carried the newly finished drawing inside and pinned it on the wall above my bed, curling into my sheets. I pulled the blankets tighter around my shivering body studying the artwork.

It was of a single man who stood alone, disaster occurring behind him as fires licked the familiar city. His eyes were filled with anger, pain, and grief... but he didn't cry. No... instead, he stood tall. He was brave, I decided. He was a god in my eyes... a hero... a warrior it seemed like. He stood there in his black marching band uniform, dust and ash tainting it. The flames reflected on his short cut hair. He stared coldly at anyone who dared look in his direction.

I fell asleep wondering why I had drawn it in the first place. I've never drawn anything like this before. Things like this weren't allowed in Battery City. 

I reached my arm over to one of the prescription bottles on my nightstand and took my third dose of the day as usual, chugging back the horrid black liquid.

Tomorrow, I will dispose of the picture, I decided.

As I fell asleep, the sound of the wind whispered in my ear, "The Black Parade is dead."


-Fear not my Killjoys, There will be a sequel- Chemi

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