Dont look to much in the past

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You where 5 when your dad started abusing you and your mother you hated when you came to school you where hit till you where on the floor crying he used to always say, ¨Stop crying your fine.¨ Now, You are 16 and your mom had save enough money to buy both of you a ticket to Los Angeles. When your father was asleep you and your mother sneaked out of the house and where on your way to the airport. 

When you where going to the gate the gate you noticed your mom was not with you until your phone rang with a  message from your mom it said said (y/n) i Love you so much but i cant go with you you are on your own now the rest of the money is in your bag BE CAREFUL out there I Love you. At this point you where crying you ran towards the lobby and your dad was there leading your mother by her hair. ¨MOM!!¨ I yelled at the top of my lungs ¨GO I WILL BE FINE!!¨ your mother screamed as well you where crying until security told you to go to your plane so you went all you where thinking of was your mom as you fell asleep on the plane.


There is chapter one i hope it wasnt bad tell me if i should continue this story and dont worry the  guys are coming soon (^-<).

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