Chapter 1

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     Have you ever looked at a moment and said "that's when it all changed"? Maybe it was the day you had your first kiss with your high school sweet heart. Little did you know that kiss lead you to getting married and having 7 babies. Or maybe it was the day you got your acceptance letter into some preppy college. Maybe you haven't even had that moment. As far as I know I haven't had that moment. But maybe I have? Yesterday I dropped a dollar and maybe some billionaire saw me drop it. Maybe he's tracking down my house right now. Maybe he'd give me the dollar and one million dollars cause well he's a billionaire. Or maybe I'm wrong.

     I'm sixteen what do I know? I'm only worried about getting a date to the prom and keeping my grades at least C. Actually forget the prom thing, I hate prom. Well technically I hate everything and everyone its kind of what I'm best at. Literally, I cant draw, or sing, or dance, or even get out of the bed unless my mom makes me. I hate almost everyone at my school except a few people who happen to be my friends. The cheerleaders are annoying, the jocks are jerks, the geeks are weird, the nerds make me wanna punch someone, and the emo's well I cant say anything bad about them, I am an emo. Yep my life consists of My chemical Romance and Panic! At the Disco. And a lot of other bands that I'm not interested in naming.

   Back to the hate thing. There is one person I hate more then if a new kid that was a cheerleader who also played basketball that was also a geek and a nerd, came to our school. Her name is Heather. You can just tell by her name she is one of the people that rains hell on everybody. She hates everybody that's not a cheerleader or a jock. Heres the thing, I don't know why Hesther insists of making my life a living hell, but she does. I'm not sure exactly when she started hating me but I think it was around first grade. I know right, she knows how to hold grudges.

   Lets talk about moments shall we? This is whole gonna be about one moment which happened yesterday at school. Here's what happened.

   I walk towards the garbage can ready to throw away my lunch. I dump the lunch in the garbadge and turn around ready to return to my seat. Bet you can happen next. Just as I turn around I walk right into a lunch tray. I look up to see who the hell just dumped there tray on me and of course just my karma, there stands Mikey Evans with his o shaped mouth.

  "Oh god, I'm so sorry," his eyes look up to mine, "Umm Brooke right?"

   You've got to be kidding me.

"Yeah thanks," I rolled my eyes.

"Technically you ran into me,"

"That's making me feel better how?"

He shrugged.

"Just get me napkins,"

He ran off in a scurry. God, how could a human be so stupid. Mikey Evans was one of those star football players and he was a total jock. I was sorta praying that at this exact moment a shooter would come into the school and just shoot me. He came back with tons of napkins. He began patting all the places that have stains.

"This isn't working," he eventually said.

"Its fine." I said sternly

He then, without hesitation, scurried off. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my table.

Letters to BrookeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora