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"Holy fuck." Zayn shouts the second his head is reaching with his chin just above the water. It isn't one of those epiphany screeches either, more like, as Zayn panics, "I can't swim! Fuck, fuck. I can't swim!"

Though, as much as he says he can't, his legs are scissoring and his hands keep cupping water and pushing it beneath him. For someone who says he can't swim, he's inching his body more and more through the vast ocean, pulling a curly haired boy from under the water and in his arms, back to shore.

Zayn stares, literally full eyes locked and raking the the unconscious boy's appearance. All from the straight shape of his eyebrows to the lashes drenched in water shut on his cheekbones, down to his lips that make the perfect shape with an admirable pout. It's only when he's making a gurgling choking sound, that's when Zayn's enchantment turns into terror.

"Fuck. See if I took swimming like all the other guys in high school I would of─" Zayn stops in his pace, maybe he didn't take swimming throughout his teenage years, but he was a nanny for some time and he needed a CPR license. Zayn's pressing his two hands on Water Tricks' upper stomach and pumping, pumping until he's propped sideways choking out an echo of coughs and gags.

"The fuck happened up there?" Mr. Now-Conscious drawls, groaning as he lays on his stomach with his cheeks pressing against the sand, little bits that Zayn wants to gently wipe off for him.

"I didn't want to be a witness of a suicide. Listen, like we don't know each other. But that is never the answer." Zayn brings a hand up to his shoulder, reassuring him with this gentle squeeze that he only does to his loved ones like his sisters or in past relationships.

Stuntman does this hysteric laugh and Zayn assumes he's going to start catching tears and outbursts of screams from him so he wraps his arms around him, pulling the laughing guy into his chest, hopefully to prevent a scene.

Instead of the cries and pointing fingers that he expected, two legs drape on either sides of his thighs, hands caressing up and down the sides of his neck. Now he's inches away from this fucking sultry human that was almost about to jump and is it so wrong that he just wants to kiss him and take him on the beach like a sex exhibitionist?

"Oh my hero, who's not in shining armor. Don't you deserve a plaque with your name on it above your bed. A trophy to put on your night stand. Or a one night stand?" Lips are puckered out and shut but Zayn can almost just feel the way his hot breath is beating against Zayn's lips, almost already feels what this kid's tongue could do.

Zayn doesn't respond because he doesn't know how, unsure of what to say considering this nameless guy is still sitting on his lap, as they're both soaking wet with grains of sand lodges between their fingers and toes and in every cress amongst their skin that it can attach to.

"So what's it going to be to thank you? Because I totally love─"

"You almost died and you're asking what I want from you? Don't you just want to feel glad that you're alive." Zayn takes charge by shoving at his chest to get Seduction off his body, trying to cope with their interaction.

"Okay, listen dude. Like thank you for your concern, but I'll have you know. I am not depressed or whatever, not suicidal. I'm very happy here, very thrilled and thankful to live the life everyday. Jumping off that cliff over there is just one of the perks of my life that I enjoy." His voice─ how did he not catch on to that sooner?─ is fucking attractive as its drawl and deep, making Zayn wonder how high of a pitch would the sounds escape his lips if he couldn't contain himself.

"So, I didn't like... save a life." Zayn utters befitted with his eyebrows furrowed. For a second, he shuts out this theory, realizing what he's just gone through for someone, thinking that he's the hero he always wanted to be, "Fuck you. I don't even know how to swim! We fell into that water and I was afraid I was going to drown. Then afraid that I could save you after I was originally trying to save you."

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