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Back in Harry's car with Zayn's food in a to-go container, they decide that what follows in this made up agenda would to have Harry take a turn to see Zayn's mobile home. He's quite nervous considering, nobody's ever stepped foot in that place besides him and his sisters. He still doesn't know why he's easing up Harry, opening up so gradually.

They aren't necessarily talking anymore about the simple things, their family or how childhood was like wherever they were from. Between them within the last couple minutes from the diner way up until now setting in the car, they speak of poor choices and their best mistakes.

Harry huffs before speaking, and from the grin on his face and the coating of red on his cheek, this must be a humiliating story, "I was seventeen when I was absolutely sure that I was gay. So, it started with like this unplanned date. Like my friends set me up when I thought we were all going to hangout. Turns out by the end of the night she's apologizing and I'm telling her not to worry. Long story, short, she was didn't actually want to sleep with a guy, but I was afraid to penetrate anywhere."

"Wait, what?" Zayn's laughing hysterically now with a hand pressing against the dashboard of the car, "How did - you guys just - stopped, after what?"

"Right so, she was a lesbian who pretty much was dared into the set up by her friends. She told me this when I sat on the bed and wouldn't move. I was stiff as solid, but my dick wasn't. Nope, not at all."

Zayn presents a face of amusement yet there's a bit of concern and confusion because of this odd story, "Aright? Thanks for the enlightenment, Harry?"

"We were talking best mistakes."

"Yeah, but why is that one?"

"Throughout all my teenage years, I had this facade built up by what everyone expected me to be. I never dated girls because I knew it wasn't my thing yet, I never allowed myself to have more than a peak of interest on any boy up. That's up until she introduced me to her brother as an apology. He made me comfortable enough to not need a label or not care about what others think. Eventually at school, I still had a good reputation and I wasn't deemed unfairly for my lifestyle. Just home that's where it hit." Zayn wants to appreciate Harry for having no barriers for Zayn, especially when it comes to pretty much a coming out story.

"Wise story in the category of best mistakes. Good one to tell actually, yeah. Sadly my life wasn't full of friends and like filled with extracurricular clubs and sports like you, so I've got nothing." Zayn sighs, honest with his answer and aware of the fact that his life was awfully bland, it's getting slightly better but still a bore when he reminds himself that he's a shitty, uneventful traveler.

Harry slows down the car almost as if time slows when he glances over to Zayn in the passenger seat, "There's got to be one. At least one grand mistake."

Zayn considers what his day would be like if he weren't comparing himself to Harry, maybe he'd feel better, yet he's still be alone watching the waves come up on shore, still would be eating his meals alone. Then it hits him in an instant, almost as the encounter, "My best mistake was sprinting my ass off to save somebody who I thought wanted to take their life."

"How chivalrous, huh? Good mistake." Harry's terrible at hiding his emotions, Zayn feels, because he's always got this goofy grin that's so easy to read and his fingertips are always on a run when they patter against any surface like a heartbeat, as if Harry's heart beats through his nails.

"You know, we end up tumbling off the cliff like a thousand feet? Then I cussed him out because he couldn't swim. But I think he's suppose to teach me soon. Told him about my traveling home that we're going to visit right now." Zayn grins at the memory, a foolish one about two hours ago, yet something he'd never regret doing.

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