Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

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Samantha's POV

"You text me everyday, okay Sam? And no partying to much for too long, I know when you're goofing off too much, even if you're 2,000 miles away. Are you hearing me, Samantha?"

"Yes mom, of course I am. By the way... thank you so much for agreeing that I can go. I promise I won't have too much fun, okay? I'll be responsible, I always am." That was a lie.

"Okay. I trust you." Another lie. "Here, is that him?" 

We'd been waiting to find Shawn outside the airport for about 15 mintues. I'd been DMing him about when he was going to be here, and we finally found him at the corner, walking to the entrance with his black guitar case and backpack.

"Yeah that's him mom, so gotta go!" I hugged her tightly and kissed her goodbye. "Love you." We said in unison. And I was gone.

Slamming the car door, I ran towards Shawn before he disappeared into the crowds of people rushing to catch their planes. Bobbing and weaving through the thick crowd of running people I finally caught up to Shawn and tapped him on the back.

When he turned around, at first he looked confused. But when he recognized who I was, he pulled out one of his earphones and smiled his amazing, adorable smile. His deep brown eyes engulfed over mine as we made eye contact for the first time. You could tell he was smiling just by looking at his eyes; the wrinkles around the sides of them proved he was being genuine, as there wasn't an immoral bone in Shawn's body. 

I couldn't contain myself. I flung my arms around him, and the whole thing seemed so surreal. His big arms wrapped around my waist and I buried my face in his scratchy thick coat. "Hi Shawn," my voice was muffled by his dense coat. 

"Hi, Samantha," he chuckled at our hurried first hug. The first hug of many I would be getting from Shawn.

"Oh, yeah, you can call me Sam. Samantha's a bit too formal for me," I said, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks of embarrassment from our first embrace. 

"Alright, Sam, well we'd better get through security if we're even gonna make our flight!" He said, still laughing.

"Right. Let's go."

Shawn's POV

Silently singing along to "Happy" by Pharrell WIlliams, I walked into the airport and felt the breeze of people flying past me hit me like a brick. I've never liked airports, let alone flying, and this would be my second flight within 24 hours. It always overwhelms me at first, but I've already done this so many times that I know the drill. 

I just barely got into the main station in the airport when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I whipped around, thinking someone was going to tell me that I dropped something, but instead it was a somewhat unfamiliar face. I was puzzled for a second, but then I realized it was the girl I was supposed to meet here, Samantha. She looked so unorganized; her hair in a messy bun and her suitcases sloppily thrown on her back, it was cute. She made me smile, and before I could laugh she lunged at me, hugging my shoulders and I could barely make out what she said, "Hi Shawn,".

Smiling and laughing to myself, I muttered, "Hi, Samantha,".

"Oh, yeah, you can call me Sam. Samantha's a bit too formal for me," she said. After I noticed her start to blush, I quickly said, "Alright, Sam, well we'd better get through security if we're even gonna make our flight!" I said, still laughing. 

"Right, let's go." 


By the time we made it through security and to the gate of our flight, it was almost 9 AM and we had some time to spare. I realized I was laughing more than half the time we walked there. Sam was a really amusing girl; she had her own quirks and although she tripped over her words every once in a while she was hilarious in her own little ways. She wasn't really afraid to be herself around me, I think it was partly because we were close to the same age; she just turned 16 and I'm almost 16. She has reddish brown hair, the kind that's so shiny that light reflects off of it. I don't know if she has blue or green eyes, it's a kind of a mixture of both.

As we sat down in our seats, F32 and F33, I felt my hands getting clammy. When the flight attendant told us to put on our seatbelts and prepare for take-off, I felt quesier than I ever have on a flight. Being with a girl I've just met didn't really help. She must've been able to tell that I was getting uncomfortable, because she said, "Shawn you're white as a ghost, are you okay?" 

I hesitated. "uhh, no, actually, I, uh, am afraid of planes... and stuff," I mumbled, ashamed of myself.

She stared at me, looking deep into my eyes for a second- just a second- before she suddenly said, "I'll tell you something I'm afraid of if you promise not to barf on me." 

I just laughed. That's what she chooses to say? She really does has one hell of a personality. "Well I would've promised that in the first place, but tell me. What's something you're afraid of?" 

She sighed, laying back in her seat, thinking. She only needed a split second to ponder;

"Doing nothing important with my life."

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