Cali, Baby!

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Sam's POV

We just sat there. Me resting on Shawn. Him holding me. The ride was rough, and whenever we went over a bump we held tighter onto each other, not really wanting to let go. 

But we got to the hotel. And we had to let go. 

Because now it was time to meet all the boys.

The thoughts filled my head again. I doubted myself once more on what the boys would think about me, what they would say behind my back. Only, I heard Shawn sweet little voice ring in the back of my head again; "You know you can be yourself around us". His words gave me life. 

We stepped out of the limo, looking in each others eyes awkwardly one last time before quickly looking away. Our eyes darted to the massive hotel in front of us, the sign was displayed largely and brightly at the top of what I would say is about 25 floors; THE US GRANT.

"Damn, this place is huge," I whispered to myself while grabbing by luggage from the trunk. 

It was right on the corner of 71st and Amsterdam, which was quite a busy road if you asked me. Every room seemed to be lit up except for the top floor; there were only three rooms lit. There were cars honking on the street next to us and people walking in short shorts and tank tops all around us. That's when I really realized where I was. Cali, baby!

Feeling the blast of the frigid air-conditioning in the hotel was a relief; as it was dank and humid outside where we just came from. While we were on our way to the elevator, all I noticed was the fancy decor. Why did Magcon get such a nice place? They all know we're just going to trash it and anyway. 


Because I am a part of Magcon.

Just that thought gave me chills. Well, not just that, but the cold air in here as well.

Once I got on the elevator, I dropped by bags and rested my arms. I didn't realize how tired my body was until I got to lean up on the elevator wall and just stand there, not moving a muscle.

Shawn let out a substantial sigh, and I almost forgot he was with me. 

We hadn't spoken a word to each other since we both kind of freaked out in the limo over half an hour ago. But what could I say? He saved me. And I already voiced it a thousand times.

But I couldn't help but glance over at him while we were just relaxing on the elevator. He was closing his eyes, his head tilted back onto the elevator door.

Yeah, he looked spent. The flight must've really taken a toll on him, seeing as he hates them and all.


The elevator reached the top floor and we filed out of the elevator with bags in hand.

And once I stepped out of that elevator, my life changed forever. 


"WELCOME TO MAGCON, SAM!" All the boys leaped out at me, scaring the shit out of me and Shawn til Sunday.

"AHHH!" I fell backwards- along with all my stuff- onto Shawn. 

But luckily, as he will many times in the future, he caught me.

"Oh my GOD, guys, could you have been a little quieter? People could be sleeping," Shawn whispered at all of them, turning red-faced from the surprise and helping me gather my stuff.

"Shawny boy, it's 2 PM, no one's asleep!" Matt exclaimed.

"Yeah Shawn, your Canadian is showing," laughed Carter. 

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