Chapter Eleven

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***August 13 2017***

Hannah's POV

"OMFG!!!" I'm so excited!! Were going to LA tomorrow!!! We already pack up our things actually all of my things Cause we'll gonna live there  LOL

"Hey Sheen! I'm really really super duper excited!!" I scream while jumping happily

"Same as me either! I just can't believe it, A while ago were just dreaming, and here we are now!" Sheena replied with a Big smile on her face

"By the way Sheena, I forgot to tell you that were going to stay in LA just the Two of us for 2 days, and after that my mom will come also with my dad" I explained

"And, where are we going to stay?" She asks

"Ahmm, We need to find this address first, and that's where we staying" I said while giving her a piece of paper full of information

"Wallnut Street? huh, I'm so excited about this" Sheena said

"Me either, it seems there's something also living on there that is special to me" I replied

"Well then, Let's find it out when we get there!" She winks

"Ahmmm.... Ok, Are you Hungry?" I ask her cause its 11:30 in he morning and I smell something good outside of my room I think my mom cook something

"Yeah" She replied

"Shall we go down the stairs and take a look of what's mom cooking?" I ask her

"Of course!Honestly, I'm pretty hungry" She replied while laughing a little

So we go down and having a look of what is our food for today and its...

Adobo!! ( Filipino Food )

"Oh, Hey girls! Let's go eat! But Can you please organize the table, put the plates, spoons and forks?" She ask me

"Of course mom, Hey sheen go help me!" I said

Then all are set! so that we ate together!

"This dish was my favorite!" I said while chewing

"Mrs. Rivas, I think this is one of your specialties!" Sheena said while taking a bite of chicken

"Oh, Thank you girls" My mom replied smiling

Actually this was super special, Cause mom cook for me, I mean Us! its pretty rare! Cause well, mom always at work and never cook for me I'm just the one who always Cooking for myself

After eating

"I'll gonna go wash the dishes" Sheena volunteered

So Sheena get my work (washing the dishes) So, I just sit down on our couch and open my Instagram

"What's new, What's new?" Asking my phone and taking a new filter from Instagram and Upload it!

After 2 minutes 100 hearts plus 10 new followers

"Aweee... I can't believe of what am I seeing" I said while scrolling down on IG

And after a while

"Is this real!? They're official??" I said with shock tone

"Sheena!! Is this real!!" I ask her while she's washing the dishes

"Sad to tell you, But yes that's really true and it's their monthsary now" She replied while facing through the wall not making an eye contact on me

"Monthsary?? It's there 5th right now??" I ask her with a sad tone and bowing my head

"Yeah" She replied

So ahmmm,, It hurts a little bit Hahaha! Why am I acting like this? Were not even friends or he doesn't know me right? Who I am to react right? I'm just a girl whose believing and admiring him right?

And I can't believe it! Suddenly I cry not knowing it

"Hey, Stop crying, Everything's allright" Sheena said wile hugging me

"Hey, stop hugging me your wet!" I laugh

"Oh, sorry I didn't notice that, But stop crying OK" She replied while tapping my back

Then I went back on the couch relaxing myself...

I just saw a photo of Sean and Kaycee hugging and the Caption was

"Happy 5th Monthsary Babe! I really love you little weirdo! Your really insane especially on a dance floor, I really love you Kaycee Rice of my life, I promise that we'll be together forever      -By Sean"

"It hurts! Really hurts" I mumbled while laughing and crying pretty weird right??

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