Chapter Eighteen

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Hannah's POV

So I rushed through my house like the flash and I'm pretty nervous right now cause I'm standing in front of our door and if I enter, Sheena's will scolded me like she was my mom Like... AK47 is here!! Ba-ba-ba-bang!!!

I can do this.... Breath in,Breath out....

"Hey! you just said you're going back immediately!! 3 hours?!! outside of this house?? Even though your not familiar with this town?? What if there's some dangerous guts over there and kidnap you?!! Rape you??!! Where did you go?? You're just 15!! Take care of yourself!!" Sheena exclaimed

"Your acting like my mom, again" I chuckles

"I'm worried!!" She yelled

"I'm sorry" I laugh

"What so funny?? You little girl??" She ask

"I don't know.... I'm just happy mom, I mean Sheen" I joked

"Whatever! By the way have you eaten yet??" She ask me

"Ahmmm... No" I response

"Same as me! I wait for you! Cmon let's eat" Sheena said

"Okay" I reply then nod

I walk through the kitchen and looking for something...

"Hey! You cook?" I laugh

"Ahmmm,, Is there's a choice?? Your not here!" She yell

"Sorry Sorry, But what did you cook??" I chuckles

"Ahmm,, Fried rice and Hotdogs and eggs" She reply while laughing

"All fried huh?? But it's Okay" I chuckles

Then we eat our food

*Time skips*

I went through the room smiling Cause this day was just unbelievable...

I wish that I could talk to him forever an forever..

I hope that we could be best friends then lovers....

But I think that's impossible..

I just close my eyes and sleep

Narrator's POV

3 months later, Hannah and Sheena continue there Dancing thingy... They  discover some new styles and tricks...

There followers came up to 52.5K!!

Hannah's mom came up too with her dad...

They seem to be happily ever after!!.. Cause this is a dream come true!!

But there's one thing....

Hannah always visits the park that Sean and her met.. But he isn't there..

Sean became so busy like super! Projects,that is all about dancing. "Thank you for Instagram for updating me about Sean" Hannah said chuckling

Sean and her never met in Matt's classes cause he's always absent. She didn't know why, but she thinks its because of Immabeast?? He's one of the choreographers there right? So Hannah just keep practicing like Over! So she can come up to the level with Sean, But she thinks it seems so impossible ....

Hannah's POV

"I hope I can see him, Just See!" I said facing the mirror...

"Hannah?? What happen to you? For the past months, you seems so Sad" Sheena ask me worriedly

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