Chapter 10

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Dont forget the One Shot forms.



p.s I know this chapter is like half a page but its just a quick filler before the next one kay? kay.


Clare’s P.O.V

“She asked me how to spell orange.” I mimed along to the Tv, grabbing a chip and chucking it in my mouth.

Mean Girls was on and I was sitting and watching it on the large flat screen that dominated most of the wall.

“Mean Girls? LOVE this movie.” Zayn said throwing himself over the couch so he was sitting next to me. I laughed as he began to mime along with me.

“That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets.” She said laughing along. He turned and smiled at me and I grinned back.

Somewhere within the movie, Zayn slid closer to me and I snuggled up into his chest. He pulled a blanket over us and fed me chips slowly.

“And none for Gretchen Weiners, bye.” He whispered into my hair, stroking my shoulder as his soft voice tickled my forehead.

He was so perfect. I mean how hard is it to find a guy who loves Mean Girls and like to cuddle? How did I end up with someone as… wait what?!?

He isn’t mine, I don’t want him to be mine. Cuddling to a movie? WHAT THE FUCK WAS I DOING. I sprung off him, hitting my head into his chin as I did so.

“OW!” He called as I hurried to my feet, holding the throbbing in my head.

“Im sorry. I just, need, to urm, go and uhhh, mix drinks, ok? Bye.” I scrambled away, leaving a confused and disappointed Zayn behind.

Serves me right! I do not do cheesy and romantic and sitting on a couch snuggling, and feeding each other is romantic. Although, I did feel Zayn’s toned stomach while he was close, it was really muscly and strong, just the way I like it.

Im not going to lie, I was really attracted to Zayn and I mean, what is the harm in sleeping with him a couple of times.

Unless you cant stop after a couple of times and end up falling for him. A voice piped up.

I decided the only way to shut that stupid voice, the one that made me want to care, was to fill it up with vodka. I smiled and walked to the fridge, pulling out the alcohol and beginning to mix some drinks, switching on the radio and singing along.

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