Yesterday's Song (Request for Katie Hosmer)

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Great. Just great.

First, I spend my whole day getting ready for a date with my boyfriend because I thought that he was going to propose, then I step on a piece of sticky bubble gum in my new shoes, then I get dumped by my boyfriend (now ex), my car gets towed, and now it’s raining.

And I’m sitting on the edge of the sidewalk in the cold rain, still wearing my new outfit and expensive-ish makeup. Since my mascara isn’t waterproof and it’s raining and I’m crying, I look like a mess. Heck, I am a mess. The rain mixed with my tears and now I can’t tell if I’m still crying or if it’s just the rain. My shoes, dress, hair, and makeup are all ruined, but at least I can fix those. My heart, however, will take lots of time.

And poptarts; lots and lots of poptarts.

I was planning on just flagging down a taxi, but since none are paying attention to me, I decide to pull out my phone and text my bestfriend: Hunter. He’s always been there for me, thick or thin. Last year he even asked me out as his girlfriend, but I said no; I didn’t want to ruin our friendship if we ever broke up. I don’t think the chances of us breaking up would be very high, but I couldn’t risk it. Even after awkwardly telling him that we’d be better as friends, he’s my rock. He always will be, and there’s not a doubt in my mind that he will never fail his job as my bestfriend.

Hey can you come pick me up? I’m at that one restaurant that has that really good dessert bar

Within seconds, Hunter shoots me a text back.

Sure… but aren’t you on a date?

I sigh and feel myself starting to cry again. I accidentally let a sob escape my lips, but I don’t let anymore out.

Long story. Please just hurry

Hunter replies immediately.

I’m on my way

It only takes five minutes for a sleek black truck to pull up in front of me. I immediately open the passenger side door and get in, shutting it behind me before buckling myself up. I lean against the seat and close my eyes.

“What happened?” Hunter asks, taking off his sunglasses. His brow is furrowed in worry.

I sigh. “Please,” I murmur, “Just take me home.” When nothing happens after a few seconds, I open my eyes and turn my head to look at Hunter.

He’s staring at me intently. “Katie Hosmer, we’re not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” He pauses. “Did Michael do something to you?”

“Yes and no,” I reply, biting my lip to contain my sobs. “He… he dumped me.”

Hunter’s face visibly falls, but his eyes seems to brighten a little. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Katie.” He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers, squeezing it for my comfort. I accidentally let out a tear and a choking sound, which was a sort-of cough-sob.

“I-I thought that h-he was going to p-propose,” I stammer, still trying to hold in the waterworks the best I can. “But I g-guess not.” I wipe my nose with my cardigan sleeve.

Hunter leans over the middle console and wraps his arms around my frame, rubbing my back. The action only makes me cry harder.

“Let it all out,” he murmurs. I do. I cry harder than I have in a while, but can you blame me? I thought Michael was the one for me. I thought he loved me. Hunter hums in my ear, “He’s yesterday’s song.”

I lean back, separating us. He still holds onto my arms like if he let go I’d break into a million pieces.

“Thanks,” I tell him, smiling sheepishly.

Hunter smiles and wipes away my tears with his thumbs. “No problem. I love you.” He blushes as soon as it comes out of his mouth. “Like a sister,” he adds, looking embarrassed and unsure of the statement himself.

I would make this moment romantic like the movies and just kiss him here and now, but it’s not a romantic movie. This is life, and I’m hurt. I need time to heal before I start crushing on my best friend who, obviously, has a crush on me back.

I hold Hunter’s hand and squeeze it. “I love you too, Hunter.” When Hunter’s cheeks redden furiously, I add to mock him, “Like a brother.”

Hunter lets out an airy laugh, but as soon as it leaves, his face becomes more serious. “So, do I need to go beat up your yesterday’s song, or do we just pretend that it never happened?

I smile. “How about we remember the good times and move on with our lives. Who knows what’s next.”

Hunter’s grin appears on his face, identical to mine. He whispers, “Like a tomorrow’s song.”

I nod. “Like a tomorrow’s song.”

A/N: Hey hayniacs! Long time no see! I hope that Katie Hosmer likes this imagine! It was fun to write, but sorry if you don't like it! 😞

Anyways, this chapter was inspired by Hunter's song Yesterday's Song!



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