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English class is the most embarrassing class. I sit with my 3 friends playing a game that the short one came up with. 'Truth, Truth truth, or truth truth truth' is what it's called. Being the only boy in the group they come up with some pretty fucked questions. "Bain Truth, Truth Truth, or Truth Truth Truth ?" The short one said. I look at her and answer with three fingers. She gave a mischievous smile and said "what is the first things you think about when you beet your yeet?" My eyes widened as the question ends. Fuck, I don't want to say the one thing that turns me on. "Pass." I say blankly and I turn red. "What a pussy." The curly haired girl said. With an eye roll I glare at Moon, the curly haired one. Zero sighed and made her tongue stick out of her mouth repeatedly like she always does. The game continued and the only thing on my mind is Ryan. Fuck he was hawt. I love the way his hair made him look like a thumb. I love the way that he loves rap music and acts like a fuckboy. Damn... The girls would always make fun of me and Ryan and I act as if I was not liking him. Though I don't, I love him. But I can never tell the girls that. I could never tell anyone that due to me being made fun of. I'm too much of a pussy.
I was brought back to focus by a hard smack by a small hand on my rose gold skin. "Bain, stop making sexual fantasies about your boyfriend and play the game!" Moon said and looked at me furiously. I yelped, that shit hurt like hell. I didn't want to play anything anymore so I went to do my work. Well the sub in Coach Ramos' class was a total bitch and split the playing group up so we had to do our work. It was on The Outsiders© movie and we claimed we didn't watch it though I had. Zero and Smol watched it too, the only one out was Moon. Everyone finished and the bell rang. Finally I'm free to think about Ryan without being made fun of.

The fault in our yeets (Bain x Ryan) Where stories live. Discover now