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It's high school bitches

Fuck I haven't seen Ryan in like .02 seconds (I was video chatting during class l) and I miss him already
I joined the flag twirling club and damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I've never felt so gay
And all my friends are dead, push me to the edge man
Nah jk

It was power hour,  the best part of the day,  Ryan and I usually fuck but today he wasn't here.  So I had to sit with my lame ass friends. They get salty when I don't sit with them or when I go sit with the other members of the flag twirling club. 
Even though Ryan wasn't here he was acting weird. He didn't want to hold hands,  touch my manly titties, or grab my flat ass.

Something was up.... But oh well. I wasn't wearing my normal clothes, I was wearing jeans and not an adidas jacket. 
It's high school man,  things have changed....

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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