Nature's Light

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Light dancing from tree to tree, a path set before me.

Led by a breeze catching soft petals of a flower and releasing its soothing scent.

Light extending forward, flowing with this gentle breeze.

Rays bouncing off blades of grass, casting its light to reveal shimmering works of art as they dance.

Art created by small life, in harmony with its surroundings.

I enter this world with eyes closed, heaviness and worry piercing my soul, slowing draining its light and energy.

The beams of soft light warm my face and the gentle breeze calls my eyes open.

Beauty floods my soul through its windows, capturing its life force and bringing it in,

breaking the bonds tightly held by my thoughts and releasing the white ash up and into the expanding sky.

Weightless, I feel restored and renewed, immersed in this world of beauty.

With its peace and sustaining life, no other nourishment does my soul need, but nature's beauty and light.

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