What Started It All

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Chapter One
I had just gotten home from a long shift at work. I was exhausted and not ready to do anything I promised myself I would do. What bad is a broken promise to yourself? I thought. Kahalony, shut up and stop being a little bitch. GO TO THE GYM!

I change my clothes, put on something sporty, tie my 3 feet of black hair into a ponytail, and take a quick selfie. I grab my car keys off the desk by the window and jog down the stairs, then realizing I forgot my headphones. I jog back up the stairs noticing I'm out of breath I grab the headphones and slowly walk down the stairs. I take a bottle of water from the fridge, and scratch Major on the head and walk out the front door of my beautiful craftsman style home , in the kind neighborhood it sat in. I walk along the sidewalk to my gray Jeep liberty, and open the drivers door and drive to the nearby fitness gym to work out like I promised myself I do to get back into shape.

Arriving at the gym I noticed my older brother Kyle is inside. Hey maybe this won't be so bad. I think to myself and open the door to the gym. Kyle sees me and walks over. Kyle looks at lot like me. He has dark hair... And bright emerald green eyes, just like me. He's tall and super athletic, unlike me, but mostly we're pretty much the same person... He is the second oldest, and me the youngest. Ever since our older brother died in Afghanistan he took his pride in making himself as fit and intimidating as possible without becoming a beef head.

"Hey girlie, what are you doing here?" He asks not thinking that I'm probably here to do what he was doing.

"Just came to work out. Can you help me?" I ask briefly.

"I mean if you'd like. I'm a tough trainer, you know this better than anyone. Let me finish up and I'll get to you. Sound good?"


My brother was going to train me hard. And I knew it. Harder than his clients. He wants to see me be a strong tough girl, but all in all I'm still his baby sister. Kyle finishes up what he was doing and walks over to me. I set my stuff down expecting this to be easy. It wasn't. The exact opposite would be a good description. At the end of my session I was dripping with sweat. You would think I'd just gotten out of the shower. But it was all going to be worth it. I was going to confident in my summer body this year.

After Kyle releases me from the session I about dropped to the floor. I grab my water and drink the remains of it. Wishing there was more. I was thirsty, I needed more water.

"Kyle where can a girl get some more water? Or something to drink?" I ask between breaths. Kyle points over to the smoothie counter. I shake my head, "Kyle I need water!"

"You can get some there silly."

I walk unsteadily to the smoothie counter for a couple bottles of water. The barista looks at me and questions if I'm alright.

"I'm fine, just need more water." And with those words I collapse. Several people rush to my side. I'm completely unaware of what just happened.

A guy with shoulder length brown hair tries to awake me. "Ma'am, are you alright? Can you hear me?" I was too out of it to realize what was going on. I was extremely dehydrated, and sweating as much as I did wouldn't be good for anyone.

I wake up in a hospital bed with IV's in my arm and my mother in a plastic chair at my side.

"Mom, what happened?"

"Honey, you had a little fall, you were dehydrated. You have a slight concussion. You'll be okay." She assures me. Kyle then walks in with bundle of flowers and a teddy bear.

"How are you?" Kyle asks me

"I'm fine. I don't remember much. How did I get here? Did you take me?" Assuming Kyle took me, but that wasn't the case.

Some guy from the gym took you. He got your thumbprint to unlock your phone and called mom once he got you to the hospital."

"That's really kind." I say. "Who's this guy?" I continue.

"He said his name was Vic. I'm assuming short for Victor. He didn't give a last name, maybe he will come by to see you." Mom says assuringly.

But he never did. I thought a lot about this guy. Who was he? He was a hero at best. Maybe he was busy.

After everyone leaves I'm left to a big white room with weird florescent lights. I pull a rose from the arrangement of flowers Kyle got me. I am laying in a hospital bed in a uncomfortable gown and I find myself obsessing over a rose. As in staring at the rose I notice the color has faded. Is that possible? A fading flower? I know when people die the color is drained from their skin...but did flowers do the same? It's florally fading, I thought. I grabbed my phone from the desk next to the bed. And turn on a song I found myself getting fond of. Floral and Fading by pierce the veil.

As I'm laying in bed listening to my favorite song, I get a call from a number I didn't recognize. I decide to answer it.


"Hey Kahalony, it's Vic. I drove you from the gym to the hospital. I was wondering if you would join me on a date after you get out of the hospital. A sort of congratulations for getting better."

"Um...Vic well, I guess I owe it to you...for saving my life."

"Great. Let me know when you get released."

"I'm being released today actually."

"What time can I pick you up?" He asked excitedly

"I think maybe 2 pm? I should be out and home by then."

"Sounds wonderful! Text me your address before then. See you there lovely."

The line goes flat. I'm going on a date with a guy I know nothing about. What have I got myself into?
Author's Note: It's taken me a long time to compose this story. I have pre written 8 chapters, and will be posting them daily. I hope you enjoy my masterpiece. If you do, like and rate my story, if you don't like it anyway! I'm super thrilled to be sharing this story. No judgement please, it's just fan fiction...but better.
Thank you!

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