Collide With The Sky

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Chapter Four

Vic is looking at me, and glances down at my lips. It's inevitable, he was going to kiss me. He traces his hand to my jaw, his thumb just placed on my lips. I slightly part my lips and gaze into his eyes. I pull away, because I knew he was about to kiss me. I couldn't let him do that. A kiss begins everything, and I wasn't ready to begin. I wasn't ready, I've only just met this guy.

"What's wrong, what did I do? " he asks cautiously.

"I... I'm fine. I'm just not ready to kiss you yet." I say slowly.

"It's okay. It will be a reward to kiss you, and if I must wait, it's what I will do." He smiles.

"I'm glad you understand Vic. Really, it means a lot. " I put my hand on his shoulder and trace my hand down his arm to his hand that's underwater. I squeeze his hand happily.

"Anything for the ones I care about. " he grins and I'm left thinking about how enchanting he is. Everything about him, from his cute little brown eyes all the way to his toes. The way his hair falls at his shoulders, the little curls at the bottom. The way his big white teeth show when he laughs and smiles. To the way he grabs my hands and assures me everything will be alright.  He is just so kind and lovable, it wasn't the matter of if I'd fall, it's when if fall for him. At this rate, soon.

I smile at Vic, thinking about how wonderful he is. Until Jaime walks up, "am I interrupting a make out session?" He says with a laugh, where Vic glares at him.

"No Jaime" I say at the same time Vic snaps "Yes you did interrupt."

"Okay I'll admit, we were having a moment. But there will be plenty of moments that Jaime won't interrupt." I say laughing.

Vic looks at me with wide eyes. I've referred to the future, and he wasn't expecting my response. He says nothing. "It's okay Vic. I'm kinda cold, we should go inside and change. I say smiling looking from Vic to Jaime.

Jaime pulls Vic's left hand helping him out. Then Vic pulls me up with my left hand. It's freezing out here, in California the temperature at night drops 20 degrees from the day temperature. Vic Jaime and I all walk silently into the house. Vic and I hand in hand with Jaime chuckling. He was definitely a character, that I was going to love to get to know.

Vic leads me up the stairs where I see a shirtless Tony laying in the hall shitfaced but still looking better than ever. Vic shows me to his room. Vic tosses me a Pierce The Veil tank top, that smells like him, that also fits perfectly. He smells like honey and old spice, I go into the bathroom, towel off my stomach and legs where I slip my bra off under the shirt while it's on. I take the panties off and slip my jeans on.

As we sit on Vic's bed, he pulls out his acoustic guitar. Hey plays the cords to dive in, thinking it would be funny considering we just got out of the water. I smile as he starts to sing to me.

"Dive in, take a breath,
Blow the smoke through the whole in my chest.
Still choking on the bed,
Found your waist while the ember red
Keeps falling down and burning holes,
Until the pillow and the mattress glow.
Now I wanna be the tattoo ink,
That swims down through the needle in your skin.
And I wish I was poisonous,
Like a bottomless sound like a violent drug.
Do you remember the knife I kept?
The sharper it got the more you wanted me to use it."  he sings, and looks up to smile. While he sings he has his eyes closed burning the complete passion he has for music. I smile at the thought of how deep and meaningful the lyrics are.

"I was lying to you, but you were lying too.
So what's left do to? What's left to say?
Stop making friends, just us, I'll decompose with you.
So light the fuse inside your brain and we, we will detonate!
You threw your drink at the wall,
It started raining wine and glad so,
Stay and warm me with the Gentlemen Jack.
Gold locks on the cage, turn your diamond keys,
Open the door you'll see me digging out my getaway.
Hang the stars who pulled the pen out of my heart." He stops and tries to remember the next line. He recovers and sings again.

Not So Typical// a Pierce The Veil fanficWhere stories live. Discover now