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So I have this problem, I fall in love way too easily. But I don't trust people easily. Its hard because no matter how much you love someone, it always seems a little bit off. Like you aren't worthy of them, or your just another person. Its like everything they say you just want to beleive. But somewhere deep down there's always this feeling that they're lying to you. I wish I could trust people as easily as I fall in love with them, but I can't.

My heart falls in love while my brain is still thinking logically. Its like my body is at war with itself. But this isn't like any other problem that can go away simply by talking to someone else or doing something differently. The problem is that its not them its me. In the one whose mind makes them doubt everything. In the one who has the problem, not them.

And I don't know how to make my brain and my heart work together anymore.

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