hold your breath

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As a woman,
I am expected to hold my tongue,
To bow my head,
And allow your tar into my lungs.
I am expected to remain quiet,
To never speak against my betters,
And remain forever young.

I am told that
To be appealing to men
Is my ultimate goal in life;
That I should desire nothing more
Than to be a doting housewife.

I am told that
I must always be feminine,
Delicate, and never proud;
That I oughtn't use my voice,
For good women are never loud.

I am told not to
Concern myself with education,
A career, or ambitions;
For the only place I belong
Is preparing dinner in some kitchen.

I am told that
I must compete with
Other women,
And that they are not my friends;
For I must beat
My fellow females
To obtain the perfect man.

I am held to
Archaic standards,
Despite these being modern times.
If I were to say
Much has changed,
It would surely be a lie.

But if I say I am a feminist,
There are several questions I will be asked:
"Why on earth do you hate men?"
"What did they ever do to you?"
"Is this because of your dad?"

Because of such a connotation,
I must state the following facts:
I have no vendetta against men,
Nor has my father made me spiteful,
It is only equality that I lack.

For as a woman,
I am told I must be meek
Until my death.
But if you think I give a damn
About your standards,
I suggest you hold your breath.

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