Chapter Thirteen

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Phil woke with a start. His eyes shot open, and he was shaking Dan awake, a huge childlike grin plastered across his face.

"DAN! DAN IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Dan blinked awake, smiling up at Phil who was leaned over him, shaking his shoulders violently. Phil was flooded with excitement, having completely forgotten that today was his favorite holiday. Dan's surprise turned into an adorably sweet grin, as he reached up, grabbing Phil's shirt collar and pulling him down into a kiss. Phil froze for a moment, eyes wide. He had completely forgotten about the past day, and now it was all rushing back. The anger, the girl, the realization and the confusion, and then Dan. Phil smiled into the kiss, closing his eyes.

He still didn't entirely understand this. He'd never liked a man before in this way, and the idea of it freaked him out a bit. Dan had always tended towards girls as well, so this was new territory for the both of them, but with how they'd been around each other for the months since Anna's birth, it didn't feel too foreign.

"Merry Christmas." Dan said softly, pulling away from Phil and looking up at him with those gorgeous brown eyes. Phil blushed, looking down and connecting their foreheads.

"Merry Christmas, Dan." They got up and made their way to the kitchen, whipping up some pancakes. Dan reached into the fridge, and pulled out a little glass jar, and Phil looked at him quizzically.

"Anna's getting older now, and the book said to start trying to introduce actual food at six months. We're past that now, and also... I noticed something yesterday." Phil raised an eyebrow, as Dan left the room and returned with their daughter. He reached out to tickle her belly, and she made a squeak of joy, smiling wide. Phil, as always, got distracted by the dimples on his daughter's cheeks, but Dan pointed out something new. When Phil looked back at her smile itself, he saw one small white tooth peeking out of her lower gums.

"Anna! You have a tooth! It's a Christmas miracle!" Phil exclaimed, and Dan laughed, pointing out that he had noticed yesterday so it couldn't truly be a Christmas miracle, to which Phil shoved him and Dan pulled Phil into a kiss. The kiss was slightly awkward, Phil couldn't stop smiling from the discovery about their daughter, and Dan was having a hard time keeping from laughing, so their teeth were clacking together and it was slightly painful, but it was sweet and Phil didn't mind the pain.

The two men took their baby and their pancakes to the living room where they had set up a small plastic tree before they left for their families', presents waiting underneath. Dan spoon-fed Anna some applesauce while Phil held her, she seemed to like it, and it stayed down. After feeding her, Dan made his way behind Phil, splaying his legs out on either side of him, and putting his arms around Phil. He rested his head on his shoulder, and they sat there for a moment, just looking at the tree.



"So... the whole world thinks we're together, we live together, have a baby, and now we kiss and have told each other we like each other... I just want to make sure I'm not getting this wrong... I can call you my boyfriend now, right?" Phil laughed, leaning back into Dan's chest.

"Of course, you spork."

"Hey, that's my thing! You don't get to say spork!"

"Sorry... spork." At this, Dan wrapped his arms around Phil and Anna, careful to keep their baby safe and in place, as he pulled Phil backwards onto the ground. Dan carefully lifted Anna to the side, and she sat next to them and watched, clapping her arms together as Dan tickled Phil into submission.

Once Phil had recovered, they began opening presents. Anna loved all her presents, and got extremely excited, then promptly fell asleep and they put her in her crib, smiling down at their daughter. Phil watched Dan open his gift from Phil, and by the look in Dan's eyes he knew he had done well. He saw as Dan opened the small envelope and pulled out the tickets, confused at first, but then grinning hugely and moving over to hug Phil and give him a light kiss.

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