Chapter Fourteen

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Phil stretched as he woke up, warmth flooding through him as he felt Dan wrapped around him, spreading a huge smile across his face. He took a few moments to just admire his boyfriend's features. Dan was beautiful. His hair was curled and smooth, his face was soft. His eyelashes were so dark, and asleep Dan looked so innocent and young. Phil sighed, amazed at the turn his life had taken, and amazed that he had gotten so lucky not only to be in Dan's life platonically, but that Dan liked him back.

He wondered when Dan had started liking Phil... or at least when he had realized it. Phil didn't really know when he had actually started to have romantic feelings for Dan, but he knew he hadn't noticed it until two days ago. Phil stared at Dan, and he was sure he could be happy just watching this boy sleep forever, but he also really wanted to kiss his boyfriend, and talk to him, and just enjoy him in general, so Phil leaned in and peppered dozens of quick kisses on Dan's lips, watching the younger's eyes flicker open in surprise, and then felt a smile form across the younger man's lips when his eyes focused in on Phil.

How in the world had he gotten so lucky?

Dan wrapped his arms around Phil's head, pulling him in so Phil couldn't keep pulling away to plant multiple kisses on Dan's lips, instead pressing the two of them together into one deep kiss, only slightly broken up by the grins on their faces.

"Well hello there." Dan chuckled after they pulled apart.

"Good morning." Phil said softly, eyes flickering down in slight embarrassment, but also some pride. He couldn't help being proud, he had the perfect family.

The two men took their baby into the kitchen as they made breakfast. Anna got some pureed banana, while they ate oatmeal.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Dan asked, looking up from Anna as he wiped her face where a bit of banana had gotten on her chin.

"I don't know..." Phil responded, only halfway paying attention, as he was in a bit of a daze just staring at his boyfriend and their baby. They were so perfect. Seeing Dan with Anna made his heart melt and then re-form and then melt all over again.

"I was thinking we'd invite Louise over if that sounds good to you." Dan suggested, and Phil smiled. It would be nice to see Louise. As much as part of him did just want to cuddle with Dan all day and dote over their daughter, he missed Louise and he knew it was good for Anna to see her. "I was actually thinking maybe we'd go back to that lake, and bring Louise with. Not to the same spot, though." Phil nodded. He had hesitated a bit before Dan clarified that they'd go to a different spot, because even though they weren't together back then, the spot they had gone before just felt like it was special to them and should be reserved for the two of them and Anna.

"That sounds perfect." He smiled, and took Anna from Dan as the brunette pulled out his phone and told Louise to be over in an hour and bring some snacks and a water bottle. Phil was pretty impressed with the two of them. They used to be so irresponsible, never being prepared for anything. They would definitely have gone to that lake in the middle of nowhere, miles from any store, without any water in the past. Having a kid had completely changed them, and now they both were so aware of bringing everything they needed for any outing, never being left unprepared. For one of the first times in his life, Phil actually felt like a functioning adult.

Louise showed up about fifty five minutes later, and immediately went to Anna. She glanced at the two men for permission, and then lifted Anna high in the air, making their daughter laugh which Phil could have sworn was the most beautiful sound in the world, before bringing her into her arms, cooing at her gently.

"Hi Louise." Phil said warmly, happy to have their friend there. He looked over at Dan and realized they hadn't talked about how they wanted to tell Louise that they actually were together now. He quickly found that he didn't have to worry about it, however, as Dan had a plan.

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