Firsts, Fans and Failures

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Hello! Welcome to my first Pokémon oneshot! To all who know me, welcome back! Yes, this is a follow-up to "Love in the Time of Teamwork", taking place in the same AU but taking place between XYZ 18 and 19. You don't need to read that to enjoy this, but if you want to, feel free and be sure to leave a review! Anyway, let's get into it!

Author: Epicocity

Rating: K

Pairings: Amourshipping, naturally. Also, implied Insectivore/Sticksandstones...whatever the Braixen/Greninja pairing is these days.

DISCLAIMER: No, I don't own Pokémon. That should have been obvious.

Firsts, Fans and Failures

An Amourshipping Oneshot

Bonnie, Ash decided, was going to kill him someday.

Sure, she looked sweet and innocent, and he supposed that she was...but then there were those moments when she got a sparkle in her eye and it spelled doom for at least one member of their party. Usually, Ash had been able to avoid being the target of that rather mischievous sparkle, as Clemont and (as he had learned) Serena were usually the ones affected. Today was the end of that avoidance streak.

It all started with an innocuous question from the lemon-blonde.

"So, when are you guys gonna go on your first date?"

"Wha?" Ash spat, a sandwich halfway to his mouth. Next to him, Serena was choking on a glass of juice, which he hadn't thought was possible. Reaching over kindly, Ash rubbed his hand on her back in circles until she managed to get it down. She was completely flushed as she swallowed, and even Ash felt his own face heating up a little. What kind of question had that been?

"Bonnie, that's not an appropriate topic for the lunch table," Clemont whined, or scolded, his little sister. On the table, Pikachu was swiveling his head back and forth between Bonnie, Ash and Serena. Eventually, his best buddy decided he liked his ketchup more and resumed licking it off his paws, leaving Ash to fend for himself against Bonnie's grin.

"Ash and I are..." Serena said, not really saying much considering her lips were beginning to flounder uselessly.

"You guys have been together for a while, right?" Bonnie asked, that sly smile not leaving her lips. Oh, Ash was sure he was heading for an execution. Hoping to get away from the topic of whatever Bonnie was trying to imply, Ash stood up from his booth in the Pokémon Center.

"Um..." he said, trying to think of a way to get out of there and the stifling embarrassment. His gaze looked over at Serena, who nodded a little at him, like she shared the same need. "I've gotta go train! That eighth badge isn't gonna win itself!"

"And I need to make sure I'm ready for the Master Class," Serena insisted with an emphatic nod of her head. Her blush seemed to be fading from her cheeks. Bonnie started to stand, as well.

"Oh, then I'll go watch you guys train!" Bonnie cheered, but Ash could still see the wicked little grin and glint. Thankfully, Clemont had his head on his shoulders and he jerked Bonnie right back down.

"Oh, no, Bonnie. You're not going anywhere until you finish your carrots," Clemont said. Bonnie turned to him with an angry pout. Clemont wasn't budging, however.

"You're such a party pooper, Clemont!" Bonnie whined. To make her point, Bonnie whirled around and faced towards her uneaten plate of carrots with a humph. Clemont looked to both Serena and Ash and the raven-haired trainer breathed; it was nice to see that Clemont was giving them space. With that decision made, he turned to all of his Pokémon.

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