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She gently pressed her finger against the doorbell, hearing it ring through the house in front of her. After a couple of seconds, the door swung open, revealing a smiling josh who instantly grabbed her hand, pulling her into the house. Becca pulled off her shoes and coat, leaving them at the door.

"Hey, how are you?" Josh said, walking into the kitchen with her following close behind.

"I'm good, you literally saw me yesterday, not much has changed." She replied smiling and leaning against the counter.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"Coffee would be good, thanks."

Josh laughed, "thank god you like coffee, I'm not sure I'd be able to be friends with you if you didn't."

"Oh trust me, I can't survive without my coffee." Becca joked and as Josh grinned back, Becca tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.

"Ready to meet Tyler?" Josh asked as he poured coffee into two cups and tea into two more.

Becca laughed nervously, "Definitely not!"
Josh gave a reassuring smile in return and gave me the two cups of coffee to take through to the living room whilst he took the tea.
Warmth spread through her fingers as his hands grazed hers and she blushed slightly, before following him out of the kitchen.

Tyler's head shot up as they walked through the door and placed the mugs on the coffee table, regarding Becca with a wary glance, he turned his attention to the tea in front of him.

Jenna immediately shot off the coach and shuffled over to Becca before developing her in a tight hug, before pulling away, grinning.
"It's so nice to finally meet you. Josh hasn't shut up about you for months!" Jenna laughed.

Becca grinned at her and shot an inquiring glance at josh, who blushed slightly and walked over to Tyler instead.

Jenna ushered Becca over to the couch and sat down with her, immediately jumping into a conversation about the movie they were about to watch. But Becca's focus stayed on the boy behind Jenna.

Had he really talked about her that much?

The thought made her stomach flutter and her face blush slightly, so she was glad when Jenna shushed everybody to inform them that the movie was starting.

Josh got up from beside Tyler, instead placing himself right next to Becca, so close his leg was grazing hers, making her breath hitch ever so slightly.

She was suddenly surprised when he leaned closer to her, his face almost touching hers. Her eyes widened, before realising he was just reaching behind her to grab one of the fluffy blankets.

She almost face palmed in her mind, why would he be leaning over to kiss her anyway?
Josh lay the blanket over both of their legs and sunk down into the cushions, but Becca stayed as tense as a board, suddenly very aware that her idols of over five years were watching a movie with her.

Josh, noticing this, glanced over at her, murmuring a small, "are you ok?"

Becca gave him a weak smile and nodded, but Josh didn't seem convinced.
He hesitated for a second but quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her off the couch, before briskly walking out of the room.

"Where are we going?" She pondered aloud, but made no move to remove her hand from his warm grasp.

"You'll find out soon enough", he replied with a wink.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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