Chapter 3: Percy

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 I woke up and was temporarily confused about where I was. There was this wonderful moment where I thought Annabeth was still alive, that everything was normal. Then my vision cleared and I remembered I was in the infirmary. And Annabeth was dead. I felt a jolt of pain in my chest similar to being impaled and tried hard to control my emotions.

  I felt something warm and heavy in my lap and saw a sleeping Jason. I felt a weird feeling stir my chest and I gulped. Something about seeing him made me feel better, it reminded me that I had people that had my back. It reminded me that he had my back. I softly brushed my fingers against his face to try and wake him. When that didn't work I just repeatedly started poking his face until his eyes finally opened

"Huh, hah, Percy?" he blinked at me groggily.


 "Morning Jace" I said. He narrowed his blue eyes at me. "Were you poking me? That hurt" he whined. I just smiled ever so slightly. He smiled back. 

"Hey..Jace?". "Yeah?". "Do you think it's really okay that they put the quest on hold? I mean...Chaos is rising and....and maybe postponing it is giving him a head start". I hadn't really thought about the quest since Annabeth's death but now that I'm awake I'm starting to think  Annabeth wouldn't want us to stop the quest because of her death. I know my girlfriend well enough to know she wouldn't want this.  "It probably wasn't the best idea but people needed time to mourn". I know he was right but I still felt uneasy. "Wasn't Chaos the first thing to be created, even before Gaea?" I asked. Jason frowned, looking just as uneasy as I felt. He nodded his head.

We were silent. Letting the idea of war sink into our thoughts. Pain still dwelled inside my chest because of Annabeths death. The memory of her falling to the ground, her body limp and weak. Her eyes still wide but empty. Her blood on my hands. I felt Jason's hand touch my shoulder.

"It's clear that you need some time Percy. It's for the best that we all clear our heads before going into war" he said softly. I just grunted, nodding my head but unsure what to say. I was grateful Jason was here with me and I wasn't alone but I didn't want to look so weak in front of someone I considered strong.

Suddenly the ground shook beneath the bed I was laying and the world began to spin around me. A low rumble shook my brain and caused adrenaline to run through my veins. The low rumble turned into a deep, scratchy voice that sounded like someone who started smoking at the age of three. The sound made my ears tingle and my heart race.

I wasn't in the infirmary with Jason anymore. I was in a black abyss with the voice rumbling the ground that seemed to be nothing but darkness under my feet.

"Percy. You shall not wait for I'm near and I wish to end you and the place you call dear to you. I wish to destroy Mount Olympus and take it for my own. I wish to take your friends and make them my slaves. I wish to rule over the world that used to be yours. I'm coming soon Perseus, I'm coming for you" the voice rumbled. The sound of the voice faded away more and more with each word.

Abruptly, everything came back into focus. I could here someone calling my name. Panic clear in their voice. It was Jason, his eyebrows furrowed and his arms wrapped around my body. "Percy! You passed out. What happened?" he asked, holding me steady. "We can't wait Jason. He's coming, I had a vision. He wants to rule over Mount Olympus and make us all his slaves. He told me he's coming Jason, I don't think we can post pone this any longer" I let fear creep into my voice and saw Jason's eyes fill with worry.

"Alright, we better tell the others. A war is about to begin".

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