Gym gone wrong

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Tessa POV
I was walking to the kitchen to make some eggs  and I saw Jake.
Hi Tess Jake said
Hi I said back 
Then I shouted " anyone up"!
I am! Jake shouted
I know you are up weirdo I said.
Then we let out a small giggle
Jakes POV
Tessa came down to make herself some breakfast so I asked her to come to the gym with me to workout after breakfast
Hey do you want to workout with me after breakfast I said.
Yeah Tessa said with a smile
Still Jake's POV
after breakfast Tessa and I headed to the gym.
Tessa's POV
i am at the gym with Jake right now right now we are running Jake said he usually runs about 2 miles but I am going to do 3 miles.
Jake finished running 2 miles.
I am going to run another mile
Okay said Jake
I was running super fast and I could feel the air blowing my hair behind my face.
After running 3 miles I was really tired and just headed back to Jake. I started to do some sit-ups I was really tired and didn't feel that well but I decided to keep going.
Jakes POV
Tessa was doing sit-ups so I went over and joined her. How many sit-ups have you done so far Tessa I asked. I have done 47 sit-ups
That is good but you are looking really red I said. Let's go home I said. Okay Tessa agreed. We were driving home and Tessa looked like she was going to pass out.
We finally arrived home and and everyone in team 10 was standing out front in the driveway. 
I got of the car and then Tessa was about to get out of the car then Tessa.........

Jessaforeva Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora