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•Next day•
Tessa's POV
Erika and Anthony are dating!!
I'm so happy for them they are couple goals!!!
But I'm not really feeling well today so I am just going to take it easy today.
Hi Jake
Hi Tess
Jake POV
How are you doing Tessa you look like you don't feel well
I'm fine just a little nauseous
I'm sorry T just take it easy today
I will Jake Tessa says then I hear Sammy crying
Tessa's POV
Sammy starts crying and I don't feel good  at all
I got Tessa go relax
You sure Jake
Yeah I'm sure
Then I run to the bathroom to throw up
Jakes POV
I told Tessa to go relax and I will take care of Sammy and then she goes to throw up
ERIKA!! I yell
Yeah Jake!
Erika yells from her bedroom
Tessa's throwing up upstairs!!!!!
Ok I'm coming T!!!!
Erika says as she runs up the stairs
Erika's POV •sorry that I'm changing it a lot•
I run upstairs because Jake said that Tessa is throwing up
Hey T what's wrong I say while I hold her hair back as she empties out her breakfast
I don't know Erika I haven't been sick since I was pregnant with Sammy and that was 1 year ago
Tessa what if you're pregnant again!
Erika I'm not pregnant
Are you sure Tessa you should take a test to make sure
Ugh fine I'll take a test
Okay come in my room I have some tests
Tessa's POV
Erika thinks I'm pregnant again but I don't think I am
Erika hands me a test and I go to the bathroom to take it
After two minutes I come out of the bathroom with the test I haven't looked at it yet but I know it will say not pregnant
I let Erika look at the test first and by the look on her face I think I'm pregnant
What does it say E
Shh don't tell anyone yet!!!
TESSA Jake yelled as he walks upstairs while blogging and holding the baby!!!
What Jake!
Sammy won't eat anything I give him but when I'm not trying to feed him he cried okay I will feed him but here look at this now
Jakes POV
I put Sammy down so he can walk to Tessa and Tessa hands me A PREGNANCY TEST!!!

It's a cliffhanger I am so sorry for not updating I was running out of ideas and now that Chessa is official I haven't had any inspiration to write my story but I promise to update regularly!!!
Love you guys so much
Bye!! ❤️❤️❤️

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