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I wasn't sure how to feel about this place. Looking around the empty house before me seemed more daunting now than before I had left. I had always known that moving to a new area would be stressful and different and even scary, away from friends and family. But work is work and I wanted this job. It didn't help my nerves to know that the crime rate here was about as low as the empire state building.

The steam from my tea caused a cloud of condensation to fog over my glasses, the blanket draped over my legs offering little in the way of warmth but as I looked around my new home from the comfort of my couch I realised all the potential. It certainly wasn't a bad house, no stairs that was a bonus right? I mean sure it wasn't my first choice and it certainly wasn't the house of ones dreams but it was cute. The living room and kitchen were one, only separated by half a wall in between, a decent sized bedroom and a bathroom with a bath and shower. As far as houses go it was kind of perfect for just me.

A few neighbours came to say their greetings when I had been helping the delivery guys move my furniture in, I didn't have much with me, decorating was something I'd have to find time for around work. But I started in a few days so it didn't give me an awful lot of time to get comfortable. The lady next door had seemed pleasant, elderly and widowed, throwing large smiles as she and her grandson took her small terrier for a walk. Maybe she would offer good company over the next few months, she had certainly seemed interested in getting to know me, what was her name again?

A knock at the door pulled me away from my thoughts. I turned my head to check the time on my phone. 7:30pm. I wasn't expecting anyone that was for sure.

As I padded my way around the couch and to the door, I quickly looked through the eye hole. I didn't recognise him? I mentally scolded myself, of course I wouldn't know who it is, I've just moved here.

I pulled the door open, the chain lock only allowing it to open so far. "Can I help you?"

The guy stood on the porch turned around. He was young similar to me I suppose, black hair slicked back into one of those short around the sides long on top styles all the guys seemed to sport right now. His eyes were a shaded blue and there was what looked like a star tattoo peaking out from beneath his jacket.

"Sorry, I'm Detective Loki. I work at the police department, someone was meant to bring you these...admittedly it was meant to be me but I forgot, hence the late hour" I pushed the door closed slightly and slid the lock out of place so I could open the door wider.

"Oh, I thought I already had the police run through"

"You did, these are files on the department here, one of the new recruits made it up for you to help you settle in quicker and since my cases are the ones you'll be working on-"

"They sent you to host the welcome party?" He made what I would call a tired attempt at a smile. Maybe he was under confident? Maybe he wasn't sure if he could be friendly with me or not? Or maybe I should stop asking maybe and just go with the more obvious approach of him being tired.

"Well" I said taking the folder. "It's flattering to be greeted by a detective, I figured I'd just get the coffee guy or something"

"We don't have a coffee guy" Bad humour. Noted.


Time seemed to speed up whenever I entered the police department, two weeks in and I know everyones names, first and last. I know Jimmy and his wife are going through a divorce and his teenage daughter is playing the mom is better card despite it being her fault they're divorcing. Oliver and his wife... Katie? Are expecting a child, each member of the department have bets on the gender. Detective Loki or rather David...He just comes and goes, never really says much or engages with social gatherings but he's respected enough. I work on the evidence files, taking in reports and filling the paperwork, skimming through it incase anything was amiss. Someone in New York doing the same job as me had been promoted to an assistant detective because they managed to solve a case purely by seeing something in the reports the cops didn't.

But as my eyes drifted to the clock on the wall I did second guess my schedule working with David. Sometimes he was so wrapped up in his work he didn't even notice my staring. Which I did too often, it was hard not to. He was attractive, well built, strong silent type, didn't smile much but when he did it caught you off guard because it was such a nice smile.

"You should go home" My eyes flew open. Shit. I didn't even realised I'd closed them, I pulled my head off my hand which now quietly complained from leaning on it for too long.

"I'm sorry, I don't usually fall asleep on the job, I won't-"

"You're technically not on the job anymore, you finished an hour ago and I'm too wrapped up to have even noticed" He turned in his chair to look at me, there was a good few feet between our desks but even still I took notice of how we were alone, most of the lights turned off when everyone else left for home.

"Sleep would be appreciated" I smiled and there it was, he smiled back. It sent butterflies to my stomach, and I wanted to hit myself. You've known this guy little over two weeks!

"I'll drive you home'

"You don't have to do that I can walk its not far"

"Are you serious? It's dark out. Come on get your jacket"

Keep your eyes open. I could feel them slowly but surely getting heavier as the car rolled along the road to my house. You got this, two more minutes.

"You okay?" I looked over at David, and tried my best to smile.

"Yep, just tired' I turned to get out of the car, pulling my bag onto my shoulders. "Thanks for the ride home"

"You're welcome" Neither of us moved. Why didn't I get out of the car? His eyes wandered between mine and my lips, I also noticed they moved to the house. Was he looking for lights? Surely he knew I lived alone?

"Do you want a coffee?"

"Sure" He said it quickly, like he was scared I would take the offer back any moment.

Car doors shut as we made our way up the porch, the little light flickering on as I rummaged through my bag to find the keys. The little NYPD keychain my uncle sent me dangling from the ring as I opened the door to the apartment. It was still pretty bare, a few homey touches but no where near finished, if it wasn't for the books and empty coffee cup on the kitchen counter you could probably persuade yourself that no one lived there.

"I'll put the coffee on" David nodded and continued looking around the small area of the living room and kitchen before taking off his jacket and sitting on the couch. Coffee in cupboard. Turn on machine and pour, not so difficult see? I don't know why I was nervous, I'd had guys over before, I mean sure they weren't coworkers or someone like David but still he was just a guy too.

"You have a small obsession with James Patterson?"

"Obsession? Hmm...Sure I guess you could call it that, everyones gotta have a dream right?"

"You want to write?"

"Maybe, if I can find a good enough story" I set the mug of coffee down on the table in front of him, taking a seat beside him I pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging my mug just below my chin.

"Im sorry you had to work late today, I'm not used to having someone work with me. I've been...distracted lately" His eyebrows drew together as if he was in deep thought, a slight crease forming on his forehead.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"You know everything about it already, I just don't like these kinds of cases" You did know everything, about the two little girls who had gone missing, the fact that it had been days now and still no word or links had been found for either of them, the parents lashing out at David for still not having any good news to give them.

"It'll be okay" It was a lousy comeback and you knew it, but you didn't miss the small smile that played on Davids lips before he reached for his coffee.


A/N: I decided to relook at this piece, I've been wanting to write something for ages and I know there were so many people who loved this piece but after reading it again I knew I could do better. So I'm re-writting it! Same storyline almost but with a good chunk of changes and hopefully more full bodied writing x

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