Part 3: The Really Weird, Slightly Gay Dream

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"Miss Missing You" by Fall Out Boy

Craig was dead tired. He had gotten home from school about two hours later, due to hanging out with his best friends Clyde, Tweek, and Token. They hadn't done anything unusual, just the same old "Let's hang out at Token's house and drink beer and watch horror movies and laugh our asses off" routine. At least that's what Craig called it, and it seemed to stick among their unusual quartet of friends. But as Craig walked into the house and into the usual sounds of his parents arguing, he realized that he couldn't quite end the night in relaxation because likewise, he had a frigging landslide of HOMEWORK. Of course, he had to have homework on this particular day.

After god knows how long of homework (which was not that long actually), Craig decided to call it a night and go to bed early because he was feeling exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. He would try to deal with his problems in the morning. So Craig changed into his pajamas, fed Stripe, and climbed into bed, falling asleep shortly after.

  Don't panic

No not yet

I know I'm the one you want to forget

Cue all the love to leave my heart

It's time for me to fall apart

That night, Craig had a dream. A really weird, over-saturated, calming, bright, and slightly gay dream. It was the only way he could describe the dream he had. It wasn't a nightmare, but it was super weird. It involved himself in third-person view, not in first-person view. It had dusk glows and sandy beaches and watery seas and night winds. He was happy in the dream, and he liked everything that happened to him. It was awesome and epic and it was a waste of imagination that would be buried in the depths of his mind to prevent embarrassment from himself.

But the weirdest thing of all was that it also involved Kenny. Yup, Kenny fucking McCormick slipped his dirty little way into his dreams. In fact, in this particular dream, he was there for pretty much all of the events that took place.

  Now you're gone

But I'll be okay

Your hot whiskey eyes

Have fanned the flames

Maybe I'll burn a little brighter tonight

Let the fire breathe me back to life  

There were lots of fireworks. It was sort of like an indie band's music video. And yeah, he knew Kenny was always strange, and he had noticed how sometimes Kenny had died every now and then (but who didn't?), but in this dream, whenever Kenny would incidentally end up dying from being killed, or an accident, or whatever else, he would always come back IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS, leaving Craig in shock and Kenny to apologize for the pain he had caused his dear friend. On top of that, Kenny could also FLY, let alone without wings. And when he flew, orange sparks began to shoot out of his feet like he was a freaking rocket or something. And somehow, Craig wasn't scared, because he could fly as well, but not like a rocket engine. Craig actually just....floated along the evening sky, as if he was in space. But whenever Craig flew above a certain height in the sky, he would be pulled away from Kenny, and drift off into space.

  Baby, you were my picket fence

I miss missing you now and then

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