2/27 sleepover

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2/27 sleepover

/This is pretty short but writing something short is better than nothing, isn't it?/

"We should play truth or dare," Lance suggests, earning himself a loud groan from Hunk. Upon noticing Hunk's reaction, Lance laughs. "Oh come on, my last dare for you wasn't that bad! You only had to wear the clown make up for an hour!"

"Says the guy that didn't have to wear it," Hunk huffs, "I looked like Ronald Mcdonald but creepier. I probably gave some of our younger classmates nightmares!"

"Lance, I love you," Pidge says, their eyes never leaving their computer screen, "but I have pictures of that. What Hunk says isn't an exaggeration. In fact, it's an understatement. Your dares may not be the worst, but they're not the greatest either."

"Okay, okay," Lance replies. Humming as he strives to think of an alternative. After a few seconds of humming, he adds, "What if we play Spin the Bottle instead?"

This earns him multiple reactions at once.

"We don't have a bottle," Hunk notes.

"I could make a bottle," Pidge says.

"What's spin the bottle?" Allura asks.

"No, just no," Keith grumbles.

"I'll explain what it is later... Or never," Shiro sighs.

"Alright, alright no Spin the Bottle or Truth or Dare," Lance says, all the while motioning for everyone to quiet down. "Why don't we build a pillow fort instead? We could all cuddle inside it and exchange ghost stories."

"And conspiracy theories," Pidge suggests, with a nod of agreement from Keith.

To Lance's relief, everyone seems to like this idea.

"It's settled then," Lance concludes, "We're building a Pillow Fort and chilling."

"Gross, you just ruined it," Keith mumbles. However, even he can't hide the smile that forms on his face due to Lance's joke.

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