Derpy's Forgotten Past

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The little gray pegasus flew down the streets of Ponyville, trying her best not to bump into anything.

"Potatoes, carrots, muffins. Potatoes, carrots, muffins. Potatoes, carrots, muffins..."

Grocery lists were so hard to remember! Maybe next time Derpy would finally remember to write it down...

Derpy made an ungraceful landing upon finally reaching the market. Her wing bent at an awkward angle as she attempted to reach the ground. Four somersalts and one flip later, she found herself bumping into a vegetable stand. Thump. Derpy stared guiltily at the bruised cucumber laying by her hoof. 

"That will be seven bits."

A big burly stallion glared down at Derpy. 

"I said, seven bits. You ruined one of my best cucumbers."

Derpy sighed. She was used to this.

"Sorry, mister. I won't do it again..."

She scooped up the bits from her bag, regretfully handing them to the glowering salespony.

Over the rest of the day, Derpy continued to make more of her usual clumsy mistakes. Spilling the apple cider, stepping on Fluttershy's pet ant, accidentally eating a muffin she hadn't bought... All in all, it left her feeling pretty dejected. 

While Derpy sadly sat in the street corner, eating a muffin, something caught her eyes. A brown stallion was galloping through the town square, narrowly dodging passing ponies. Something about the stallion had caught Derpy's attention, yet she wasn't sure what. Why was he running? Derpy stood up. 

The stallion hadn't noticed Derpy following him yet, he was too focused on running to wherever his destination may be. Derpy was surprised at his obliviousness as well, as she wasn't exactly great at being stealthy. She followed him, keeping a far distance, until he had continued running out of Ponyville. Derpy was confused at why he would run all the way out of the town. Was he going to visit Zecora? Maybe he had a medical emergency...

Just as Derpy was pondering these thoughts, she noticed a large object up ahead. The stallion seemed to be heading straight for it. As Derpy got closer, she saw it was a large blue box. The stallion hurriedly took out a key, and stuck it into the box's keyhole. To Derpy's surprise, the door actually opened, swinging inward. 

"Well? You coming?"

Derpy's eyes widened in abrupt shock. Was the stallion talking to her?? 

"I... what?"

The stallion turned around, and Derpy realized she had never gotten a good look at his face until then. It was almost as if... as if she recognized him. But how? She'd never met him before in her life. Slowly, her confusion turned to surprise... then all of Derpy's memories seemed to hit her smack in the face. 


Then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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