The apartment

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The roof was slippery from the rain, each tile treacherous, daring me to make a mistake. I almost screamed when one tile gave out under my foot and I got the nauseating experience of almost falling from a three story building. I balanced on one foot for a while, before falling onto my knees and gripping the roof with my hands. I slid off the end of the roof, holding on with only my fingertips. Then, after a while of staring down into the darkness, I let go.

I fell into the balcony with a full thud. I cursed at myself for making so much noise, but it seemed nobody inside registered it. I crept up the window. The curtains were closed, but the window was slightly open, letting the cold air into the room. I slipped my thin hand inside through the space between the slightly open window and the wall, and gripped the handle from the inside, turning it so that I could open the window fully. As it swung open, I slipped inside, nothing more than a shadow, a sliver of darkness.

The room was plain. It was small, and there was a nightlight installed next to the bed. The bed had green covers, and a Superman poster hung above it, drooping to one side where the duct tape had fallen. The person in bed was snoring gently, their breathing uneven. They seemed to be having nightmares. I picked up a little bear plushie from the floor and placed it in the bed, until I tiptoed out of the room, closing the door gently behind me. The little girl in the bed was not my target.

There she was. She lay on the couch, spittle streaking down her chin, mouth slightly open and her golden hair matted with something that almost looked like vomit. She might have been quite beautiful if not for the circumstances she was in right now. Not that I cared. She was a terrible person. She had poisoned a friends dog when he had accidentally bit her after she had played with him too harshly. She blackmailed her sister into quitting her job, only to take up her post later. She had been abusive to her boyfriend, beating him up and emotionally extorting him. That was why I had been sent to... dispose of her.

The good assassinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें