Mighty Orc and Blind Nord

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It was just after sundown when the Orc came to Whiterun. He was enormous, with tough green skin mostly covered by dimly gleaming black armour. A pair of ivory tusks jutted out from a lower jaw overrun with stubble, and coarse black hair spilled out in a wild mane, like tangled shadow. His eyes were the most fearsome feature; sharp and yellow, they shone like those of a wolf mid hunt and shot daggers into anyone who dared meet his gaze.

His name was Duruk gro-Murzkul and he was among the fiercest mercenaries in all of Tamriel. His strength was said to equal that of a giant and his ferocity could challenge even the mightiest sabre cat. His martial skills in both battle and smithing had been sought after for two decades straight and he had come to Whiterun for one reason only.

He needed a damn drink.

Duruk had been receiving and completing contracts for clients far and wide for a year now without any proper personal time. After finishing his latest task a few days ago, he decided it was high time he enjoyed a rest.

He chose Whiterun as his destination on a whim. He had never been in the city itself and decided now was as good a time as any to visit. So, after bribing the gate guard for a late entry, Duruk stepped foot onto alien territory.

He found the city quaint. It was fairly spaced, well-built and almost cozy. The hammers of two blacksmiths could be heard from opposite sides of town; a sound that was nostalgic for Duruk. Blooming mountain flowers dotted the sides of houses and a large tree with purple leaves stretched it branches out over a part of the city up ahead. It was peaceful. Content that he had picked the right place to rest up, Duruk headed on down the main road and seeing an inn up ahead, he made his way towards it.

Upon entering the cheery Bannered Mare, all noise ceased, save the bard in the background. She was a Nord lady with eyes closed, fully immersed into her tune. She herself was quaint like the town she resided in, with long blond hair swept up in a bun and smooth features beneath a homely dress. She didn't seem to notice a change in atmosphere when Duruk walked in.

Everyone else just stared at him. Some with fear, others with hate, but all with shock. It occurred to him suddenly that Whiterun probably didn't see many of the Orsimer people, what with it's hold being so far from any of the Orc strongholds. He quickly felt out of place, but that wasn't a new feeling.

As always, Duruk ignored the uncomfortable sensation that that realisation brought, and sauntered over to the bar to place an order for a bottle of mead with an accompanying tankard and started drinking. He downed his first cup in mere mouthfuls and was onto his second glass in less than a minute.

Chatter slowly returned to the inn and that alienated feeling lifted from Duruk somewhat as the noise rose in volume. The bard's song stopped then. The Orc curled his lips in distaste. He preferred to hear music in new places. More background noise made him feel more at ease. Regardless, he continued drinking.

He was on his third tankard when he became aware of a rather irritating tapping behind him. Twisting on his seat slightly he looked around to see the bard lady holding a thin, long staff out in front of her. Her eyes now open, Duruk was surprised to discover their colour had been frosted over. She was blind.

Taking that into consideration, she looked outstandingly happy. She smiled as she tap-tap-tapped her way towards the bar, apologising profusely when she accidentally stumbled into someone. She was making good progress but was beginning to veer too far to the left and was now heading for the wall. Looking at the other inn patrons, Duruk saw they held no desire to help her and only sniggered as she went the wrong way. Duruk was disgusted by them.

"The bar's this way, lass," the Orc called out, his gruff voice reverberating through the tavern.

He instantly wished he hadn't done so. The room went silent yet again and all eyes were now on either him, the bard lady or switching between both.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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