Puzzleshipping) The Dark Woods

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Well here I am with yet another puzzleshipping story. If you would like me to write a story based off a different shipping just let me know!

Disclaimer- I don't own Yugioh or any of the characters, just the plot.

Please comment what you think! This chapter may not be the best because I have to introduce characters but the next one will be better!

Takes place in Yugi's perspective


The soft golden sunlight streams in from my window, gently waking me from yet another pleasant dream gone wrong.

It starts out the same way each time, a peaceful walk in the pale moonlight next to a stranger. He couldn't have been much older than me but his face had a sense of wisdom to it that struck me as odd. Tricolored hair stuck out in a way that slightly resembled a starfish just as my own hair did, though his bangs shot up like lightning bolts. His crimson colored eyes would glance at me from time to time, making sure I was still there next to him.

Then I would stop and he would turn and face me, his eyes always questioning why I had stopped. The moon would shine down on his pale skin giving the appearance that he was a god.

I would ask, "Who are you?"

"I am your dark half, my name is Yami," he would always reply, not skipping a beat. As I stood wondering what he meant he would offer me his hand and beacon for me to follow him.

Into the Dark Woods.

I would shake my head profusely and back up, turn, and run as fast as I could away from my "dark half". Every time afterwards I would hear the whisper of his deep voice follow me until I woke up, "I will wait for you to return, maybe next time you will join me."

But last night it ended differently, after he said the words a scream echoed out. It was Yami. He screamed and when I tried to look back I found myself face to face with a wall of darkness.

As I sit up in my bed shaking off the dream I look out my window and glance past the pond at the Dark Woods. The man isn't there and the woods seem tame in the peaceful daylight.

"Yugi, are you awake?" my grandfather calls in his raspy voice. Its a welcomed sound that always makes me feel safe and warm. My grandfather gave up his only chance at finding love again to raise me after my parents abandoned me at his doorstep. I always feel guilty about it but my grandfather always seems happy so I try to not let it bother me to much.

"Yes Jii-chan, I will be downstairs in a minute," I reply as I stand up stretching and getting dressed in my school uniform.

I trot down the stairs with my usual smile on. My grandfather looks up from his newspaper to smile back at me, his eyes wrinkling a bit letting me know that it is a true smile and not the fake one nearly everyone else wears.

"Any news?" I ask hopping over to my seat and picking up the toast he had already made for me.

"Yes, and Im afraid its not good," he says, the smile falling off his face, "The leader of the Dark Woods was overthrown."

"Isn't that good news?" I ask as I take a bite of my toast and glancing over the headlines of the newspaper.

"No, he was overthrown by a force that is darker than even he was. He has no plans to make an agreement with our government and instead wants to let the Dark Woods grow and feed off of our nation's terror."

"Who is the new leader? Im sure some kind of arrangement can be made," I say hopefully though I know it isn't very likely.

"They say he calls himself Yami Marik, he defeated the former leader Yami last night."

Puzzleshipping) The Dark WoodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora