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Hey guys....

Just tell me what you think about this story and thanks for the support!


I open the door to my home an let Joey and Ryou inside before closing and bolting it shut behind us. The three of us are silent from the shock of what we just witnessed, countless innocent lives were just destroyed. These were people we had known, people we had grown up with for years.

Joey sits down on the floor and puts his head in his hands, looking at nothing but probably seeing the sene replay in his mind. Ryou leans against the door and lets silent tears run down his face, his body trembles as he does so.

And I, well I know I must be in shock, I don't feel anything but numbness inside. The window that faces the Dark Forest in my living room beacons to me, I willingly walk towards it and stare out at the lake between my home and the Dark Forest.

Something doesn't look right.... the lake is a crimson red, like blood. That isn't all though, I stare at it with squinted eyes, trying to figure out what its was and then I see it.

A body.

Before I consciously realize what is happening I have opened the window, jumped out it, and am running towards the lake at top speed. I slow down for a second to wonder why I am acting so recklessly but it is far too late to stop. I'm already at the lake.

The lake ripples a little in the light breeze. The smell of wet copper wafts up into my nose and I realize that this lake is actually blood.

My eyes slowly move to the body floating in the shallow water, face down. I step into the lake, blood immediately soaking into my shoes and socks.

"Stop," a deep voice says, startling me and making me jump.

I slowly turn around to see Yami standing behind me, his eyes, as red as the lake, look me over carefully, as if judging what to say next. His clothing, black leather pants and a black tank top, are torn and caked with blood. I glance at his pale skin that now looks even paler than I remember...

Most noticeable though, is the large gash he bares across his chest. It appears to be very deep but he acts as if he doesn't notice that it is there, or that he is losing a considerable amount of blood.

"You don't want to see who that is," Yami warns, crossing his arms across his chest.

"What do you mean?" I ask, still amazed that he can talk, let alone stand with the injury.

He looks at me sternly, but with a bit of sympathy and compassion that makes him less imposing.

"Who is it?" I ask in a shaky voice, know who it is now but wanting Yami to deny it. When he doesn't reply I ask again, "Who is it?"

"Do you really want to know?" Yami questions, glancing at the body and then back to me. I nod despite it being a lie.

"That man is your grandfather."

I start to shake now, my grandfather can't be dead...he is all I've ever known! They didn't really kill him, did they? Why?

A tear runs down my cheek as my vision blurs. Yami suddenly isn't in front of me anymore but is now beside me, his hand halfway reached out like he is unsure of what to do.

I wipe my eyes and will myself to stop crying, I have to be strong now, with the city under attack I know I need to stay alive. My grandfather would have wanted that, I can cry later.

"I'm sorry for your loss..." Yami says, at a loss for words.

I take in a shaky breath and turn to face him, not wanting to have my back to him for long. Trying not to sound completely rude I ask, "Why are you here?"

"Well you see, I kind of died last night..." Yami mumbles gesturing to the tall cattails where another body, that must be his, is floating.

"You...died? Then how are you here?" I ask looking at him quizzically.

"Well you see, those of us from the Dark Forest are immune to illnesses and aging, but are not immune to weapons. We can be killed in battle, and for most that is the end but for those who are powerful enough, we can make ourselves new bodies and go on with our lives."

My mind is reeling, how can one die but not die? With this information and my grandfathers death running amuck in my mind, Im not sure I can process it all.

"So, what does this have to do with me?" I ask, not understanding the connection.

"You are a very important piece of this puzzle, the man who killed me will come after you soon and try to end you," Yami says.

"Why?" I ask softly.

"Because you are a threat to him, but do not fret, I will not let harm befall you," he replies and reaches out a hand to touch me, I flinch away from him to which he sighs and adds,"Not everyone from the Dark Forest is evil..."

I glance at him warily, he hasn't done anything to harm me yet but my grandfather said that you can never be too careful around them.

"If you can make yourself a new body, then why don't you do it already?" I ask to change the subject.

"I would but I don't have the energy or materials to do so as it is."

"Then how are you...?"

"Simple, a few residents of the Dark Forest are still loyal, if thats what you can call it, to me. All We have to do is track them down and get the materials needed," he tells me, as if it is really that simple.

"Wait, did you say we?" I ask.

"I did, and before you protest let me say this, I can not do this alone and the only way to stop the man currently terrorizing your city is to get me a body and give me a chance to kill him."

"He killed you before, what makes you think he won't do it again?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"He took me by surprise the first time. I won't give him that chance again."

I look at Yami, who now stands before me, determination shining in his eyes. If I don't help him, Yami Marik will take over everything and countless lives will be lost.

"Will you join me?" Yami asks, offering me a hand, like he had done so many times before. This time I don't run away though. This time I take his hand and let myself be lead by him. For someone who is dead, his hand felt warm, soft and sturdy.

I take a glance back at my home, Im leaving Joey and Ryou alone, I hope they will be alright...


Eh, I know it was choppy but hey, it's late.


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