part 6-(1/2)

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Your pov
We sat in the hospital room for what seemed like hours until visiting time was over. I sat next to darks limp body encased in blankets.
"don't worry (y/n) you know dark he's strong he should be fine..........I hope"
I looked from darks body to anti.
"anti....I miss him already"
Anti stood up and walked towards​ me and dark, he placed one hand on my shoulder and his other on darks chest.
"I know you do baby"
"Knock knock"
We heard knocking at the door then it went silent....knock knock. Anti walked over to the door.
"Come in"
"Ahh hello Mr fischback sorry to intrude I didn't know you had guests"
Anti looked at me then at dark to finding he was slowly moving...coming back to life.
"neither did I doc"
"sorry but who are you both?"
"oh I'm sorry my name's anti and this here is (y/n)"
"And what is you relation to this boy?"
"Hes my best friend and her boyfriend"
Darks pov
Wait (y/n) and anti are here? But why though I thought anti was annoyed with me.
"yes we're here"
It's nice hearing her voice again. I slowly opened my eyes it took a while but I eventually succeeded. Having no idea who's face I was going to see first I braced for an impact.
(y/n) wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her it feels nice being in her arms again ive missed this feeling all day.
"ok sorry to bother you but I need to do his check up"
"ok sir"
(Y/n) let go off my neck and walked over to anti they both sat down on the only visiting seat.
"should I get another chair for you miss?"
"no thank you"
Anti sat down on the chair first then (y/n) sat on his lap.
"are you sure this young chap is your boyfriend because you seem really close to that young lad too"
"yes I am her boyfriend and so is he"
"complicated we know but we're fine with her choice"
The doctor gave us all a confused look then walked off not once looking away from (y/n). She took a quick look at the door before the doctor left fully then looked back at me and held my hand, anti walked towards us both and placed his hand on her shoulder. Finally the doctor left and we were alone.
"stupid much does it really matter if she is a girlfriend to both of us"
"No it shouldn't matter"
I looked at anti then to (y/n) to find her upset, she was looking at her lap.
"(y/n) just ignore them"
(y/n) leaned towards me to give me a kiss then did the same to anti. But before anti gained his kiss a doctor came inside to find my arms wrapped around (y/n)'s waist and her arms wrapped around mine and antis necks with her leaning towards anti.
"that's disgusting keep your love life out of here excuse me but may I borrow the girl?"
I looked at (y/n) and so did anti.
your pov
I walked over to the door to talk to the doctor. I walked outside followed by the doctor they shut the door and pinned me to the wall after making sure the hallway was empty.
"You filthy trash cheating whore"
He lifted his fist in front of my face preparing to swing.
"leave me alone I haven't done anything"
"you whore having two men under your power and control I bet you started the fire and tried to kill him"
"why would I kill the boy I love?"
The doctor threw his fist into my face making me collapse onto the floor in tears. I brought my hand up to my eye to find blood pouring from my eye socket.
"such a weakling waste of time"
I kept my hand covering my eye watching the doctor walk towards me and started to beat me by punching my face and kicking my shins all the while making me bleed. I managed to fight my way from the doctor.
"help me please, please someone help me"
I heard people running from the end of the corridor towards me and the doctor. The doctor hit me one more time to knock me out.
"hello miss are you alright......miss.........miss?"
I blacked out fully.
~1 hour later~
I slowly started to wake up in pain.
"what happened to you?"
"the bloke that was in the hallway with your girlfriend kept beating her and this lead to blood from her right eye and her shins. But because he had a ring on his finger this led to a problem a big deep gash under her right eye. It has been sorted but she needs to keep her eye covered for at least a few weeks"
"thanks miss"
The nurse left the room and allowed us all some time together. I managed to sit up in bed and looked towards anti and dark. When I saw dark my arms acted on their own and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"don't worry we're both here for you how are you feeling?"
"abit achy and painful but it's expected with what I just went through"
"next time we won't let you go by yourself or we won't let you go at all"
"come on dark let's just keep her company tonight"
Antis pov
That was stupid a bloke beating a young girl for having two boyfriends this world is too weird. I sat beside
(y/n)'s limp body on one side and dark was sat on the other side. It's nice having dark out of bed and fully up even though he should still be resting I guess the incident with (y/n) gained him permission to walk around.
"dark....anti you should go home get some rest"
"we can't knowing your like this we're staying and we've already got the nurses permission before you ask"
"ok can you stay here with me?"
I lied down beside (y/n) and wrapped an arm around her waist whilst I lied my head on my other. Dark lied down beside (y/n) on the other side with one arm around her shoulder and the other as a rest for his head.
"good night baby"
"sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite"
"good night"
And with a kiss from both of us she finally went to sleep.
We both woke up to find (y/n) in a mess of tears and blood. I was about to put my hand on her shoulder to wake her up when she beat me to it.
"Dark! Anti!"
She looked around the room to gain a look at both me and dark when she saw that we were alright she calmed down.
"are you alright? It seemed like you had a nightmare"
"I did it wasn't very nice you both died in the end I thought I lost you forever I thought....I thought.."
She broke down into tears she looked up at us both and jumped landing into our welcoming arms we held her tight not wanting to let go.
"shhh... we're here. We're here we'll always be here right next to you"

Anti x Reader x Dark Where stories live. Discover now