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It was another beautiful summer night in Paris. The sun was just about to set and the sky was lit up with the prettiest shades of every colour. Emily was sitting on a porch swing similar to the one she had at her Hampton's home. Watching the sky go from day to night made millions of warm memories of her and her father enjoying sunsets and stories made her laugh and think to herself "I hope your happy dad"

"hey babe"

Emily turned around to see her husband Daniel, coming out the back door of their home and greeting her with a kiss. Daniel had started working with the french "Voulez" and spent his days busy at the office. Daniel and Emily cherished their short time together knowing they don't have forever.

"how was work?" emily whispered to daniel. Their foreheads touching and eyes closed.

"It was good. did you enjoy your day?" Daniel asked, pulling away and sitting back into the swing causing it to move slightly.

"I did. Even if I didn't this view would totally change my mind" she said chuckling. Both of them looked out and saw Paris and all it's beauty. The lights from the buildings in the city lit up the ground and the faintest sound of violins could be heard from a café just 3 blocks down.

Daniel let out a large sigh.

"It's almost as beautiful as you" he said pulling Emily closer for a kiss.

"You always know all the right things to say" she giggled lightly.

She had never felt closer to Daniel in these moments. He was nothing like his parents. He was kind, considerate, loving, patient. Everything she she loved and needed in a partner.

"Come inside babe. I brought home fresh food from the bakery." Daniel said as he stood up and offered a hand to Emily.

She took his hand and followed him inside but stopped him as he reached for the bread on the counter. She spun him around so he was facing her. She pulled in closer so that she was standing in between his legs, her hands draped around his neck.

"Dinner can wait" she whispered.

Daniel let out a small laugh and began to kiss Emily. Starting with her lips and then trailing to her neck. Emily let out pleasurable moans as Daniel took off his shirt and moved them both to the bedroom.

Piece by piece their clothing ended up on the floor. Daniel laid Emily on the bed and gave her gentle kisses everywhere and then started getting wild.

"I love you daniel" Emily said between kisses. She really meant it. After all they have been through, there was no one in the world she would rather be with.

"I will always love you" she said again as Daniel continued to pleasure her.

I Will Always Love You - A Demily StoryWhere stories live. Discover now