Love bugs

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Emily awoke the next morning with Daniels arm around her stomach and his breath in her neck. The morning sun was just barely peaking through the curtains. She moved to check her alarm clock but was dragged by the middle back into the bed.
"How is possible for you to wake up this beautiful?" Daniel asked barely awake and in his morning voice.
"Let me remind you that you are half asleep" Emily replied with a small laugh.
"Come here you. I like this dream" Daniel whispered pulling Emily closer to him. They engaged in soft but passionate kisses until Emily pulled away and said
"We still have all that good you brought home last night"
Daniel sighed and rolled out of bed. He wrapped a robe around his body as Emily did the same. Suddenly, he ran to the other side of the bed and flung emily over his shoulder and continued to the kitchen.
"Daniel put me down!" Emily screamed. She could hardly catch her breath because she was laughing so hard. When they finally got to the kitchen, Daniel put her down but then began tickling her.
"You've been a naughty girl Mrs.Grayson" Daniel taunted as he let out a loud laugh.
"Daniel stop it oh my gosh you are crazy" Emily said trying to catch her breath.
"Crazy for you" he said with a smile.
She pulled him closer for one last kiss before they both actually had to get ready for the day.
Emily started to make breakfast while Daniel took a shower and got dressed. He had a day off, which was rare but he never wasted the opportunity. Emily stayed at home most of the time, enjoying her new life in Paris.
"Black or Blue shirt" Daniel shouted from the bedroom.
"Come to the kitchen so I can see what you're wearing" Emily shouted back. Daniel never had the best sense of style, and most mornings, he would come out of the bedroom in the most ridiculous shirts and ties. Daniel appeared in the kitchen with a pair of khakis, black canvas shoes and no shirt on. His softly toned muscles looked extra toned with the light shining in from outside.
"Hmmm, i like the black shirt. It will match with your shoes!" Emily decided.
"What would I do without you?" Daniel said with a smile before disappearing into the bedroom again.
Emily finished making their breakfast and, almost like it was timed perfectly, Daniel came out of the bedroom once more to eat. After they ate, it was Emily's turn to get ready. She went into the en suite and ran a hot shower. As the water fell on her, she contemplated a lot of things. She often took some time out of her day to think about her father and how she didn't go with her gut to take down the family that destroyed hers. Instead, she forgave them and lead a new life. She turned the shower off and stood in the steam for a few moments before proceeding to get ready.
"Babe are you almost ready?" Daniel called from outside the bathroom door.
"Uh yeah just a second!" Emily called back. She finished getting ready and stepped into the kitchen to find Daniel reading the paper.
"Working on your french again?" Emily whispered as she wrapped her arms around Daniels shoulders.
"I need to be able to keep up with you" Daniel replied as he kissed her on the cheek.
Emily had been fluent in french since was just a child and was always the one who had to do the shopping, or order the food when they ate out. Daniel almost felt embaressed when he couldn't answer simple questions.
"You know what? When we are shopping today, you're going to do the talking" Emily stated as they were about to leave.
"Fine, but when I accidentally insult some innocent person don't even think about yelling at me" Daniel smirked as she pinched Emily's side causing her to jump while they were walking to the car.
In was in times like this that Emily knew that she made the right choice in throwing away her revenge.


peace and blessing xox

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