[v; light]

213 19 18

When I turn jet black, you show off your light,

Shouyou was full of colors, rainbows of orange and red. He was alive and burning.

Kageyama glanced through hanging leaves and bucket shades to catch a glimpse of his fleeting back, turning and spinning along with the breeze. And it was everyday he started coming back just to watch the florist, only after training and taking care of his new plant.


The ravenette jumped, smacking the top of his head against soil pots, raining black and white down on his head in little dirt chunks. Shouyou laughed, light and airy.

"It's been two weeks, dude. Shouldn't you be focused on your job or something?" he asked cautiously, knowing the athlete would probably ignore the inquiry. He wasn't much for talking, only staring and managing to mess up many little things around the store.

And just as the small boy expected, Kageyama only blinked in response, brushing absently at his mussed hair. Because the ravenette wouldn't speak, couldn't, in the presence of the boy that glowed, the boy that traced absent lines on his wrist when he thought Kageyama had left, and played with knives when the lights went off.

Kageyama was infatuation and most definitely obsessed with him, on the way the world revolves around the sun and the stars reach out from the night.

He thinks he's in love with him, with the star in his sky.

But he was the sky, he was dark and made to do nothing but hold the weight of invisibility while gazing longingly at his bright and unfathomable star.

Shouyou was his star.


Tbh I wanted to do much better with this story but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

boats and birds // hq!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن