First day of school

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POV=Point Of View

Mackenzie POV

This was our first day back to school from summer break. I was super excited to see everyone but sad that summer was over :( I was excited to see all my friends. I got up and put on my pink crop top with my jeans shorts and black converses.I did my hair into a 2 dutch braids and I was set to go.But my sister Maddie was going as slow as a tortoise. Fine I may be exaggerating a little bit. Anyways I ran out of the door to get to school because I was late. I bumped into mark.

m: Mackenzie, mt:Mark Thomas

m: ummm hi mark ( i blushed, I've liked him since the 6th grade, I'm in 8th now)

mt:uh hey Kenz, if you're not doing anything later we could go to Starbucks, if that's ok with you of course.

m: Sure thing I'll just text my mom later on so she knows when to pick me up later.

mt: cool

We walked and talked the rest of the way.When we got to school I put my stuff into my locker and went to study hall and since I was late I couldn't hang out with my friends and tell them everything that had just happened. Study hall was such a bore fest, you can't even talk quietly it's just so BORING anyways once I was done studying I went to first period... English.I love English.1) Mark's there, 2) Johnny's in my class too, 3) I'm good at it.

*skip to lunch*

It was a fun but calm restful first day.I sat with my BFF Lauren,her crush Hayden,my crush Mark and my best friend Johnny.We talked about some things to do with our next lessons but then out of the blue Lauren and Hayden say together "We're dating!" with big grins all over their faces.We planned to do a big sleepover at Lauren's and Johnny's house to celebrate. 

*school's out*

Lauren's POV

I was about to go and tell kenzie something when Hayden pulled me aside and said...

L=lauren, H=hayden

H: Hey wanna go get some McDonald's  before everyone goes to yours?

L:Sure let me just tell Kenzie first

H: Ok I'll wait here

I ran to Kenz to tell her but I think she knew everything I was going to say because she just said"Yes I will wait with Johnny for you guys" I was thinking "Did she know what I was going to say or something"

Kenzie: Yes I did so are you going to go or what?

Lauren: Thanks Kenzie you're the best

Kenzie: I know I am

We hugged then Johnny and her got into her sisters car and Hayden and I rode our skateboards to McDonald's'.

Thanks for reading this is my first story so please don't judge and don't forget to vote!-OASIS <3

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